
  • Essay / Influence of cultures on African philanthropy

    Philanthropy is not new in Africa, but there are not enough records and systematic documentation on individual or institutional philanthropy in the African context to bear witness to this. There are examples (Rosemary & Mutunkei, 2016) and many stories of Africans coming together to give individually or collectively to support development and projects in their communities and sometimes beyond. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Rosemary Mutunkei, says philanthropy is deeply rooted in Kenyan culture and expressed in the "spirit of harambee" in which communities usually come together to contribute to the development of local projects and, if necessary, do the party. In Southern Africa, the concept of "Ubuntu" is a family value that encourages giving back to society, meaning "I am because you are: my success is intertwined with yours." So the African version of philanthropy is not just about the rich providing large sums of money to the poor, but also about the community supporting each other through cooperative donations. Philanthropy, loosely defined as love of humanity, is a tool for improving human well-being. . It is also a means by which solutions to identified societal problems are addressed. There are growing efforts across the continent to broaden the meaning of the term philanthropy, as current usage is seen as foreign or as a form of almsgiving from Europe. The various forms of formal philanthropy would include regular donations to nonprofit organizations and institutionalized giving. giving through trusts and foundations, while informal philanthropy would consist of individual financial support to the extended family; giving money directly to poor people: giving through religious structures and community initiatives such as savings clubs. Some argue that neglecting these forms of localized giving and social capital creation serves to privilege the more widely recognized formal philanthropies, while relegating some communities to recipients of “aid” rather than active agents of development. There is a lot to show in the literature. to describe “philanthropic behavior” in Africa, but there is very little discussion about the spirit and practice of philanthropy in Africa. Specifically, philanthropy as a deeply rooted cultural phenomenon that occurs within and across social classes. This can in part be attributed to the lack of suitable systems to promote, monitor and document philanthropic activities on the continent and among black populations in general. It also makes it difficult to build existing community and cultural structures of philanthropy. The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of African philanthropy as practiced by Africans on the continent by comparing the philanthropic behaviors and models of different nationalities. , crops and households. The key guiding question will be: what is the practice and motivation for philanthropic giving in Africa by local people and how can this knowledge and practice be used to develop and promote local philanthropy. African philanthropy must be defined and supported in a way that is both culturally accepted and sustainable, and not necessarily examined in light ofEuropean examples. The perception that philanthropic giving is made only by very wealthy, high-value individuals to less resourced communities or individuals needs to change. Other forms of local philanthropic giving need to be appreciated, recognized and promoted on the continent. The study will collect data on national and private charity sources from credited and recognized institutions such as statistical services, as well as through surveys, qualitative interviews and focus groups. Data analysis will be performed to estimate the likelihood of individual and group donations and donations to charities. What is philanthropy Inherent in the definition of philanthropy is the desire of an individual or group to promote the well-being of the less privileged and address issues of poverty, suffering and sometimes inequality in society.(Catherine Zimmer). Mistakenly, philanthropy is often associated with the wealthy in our societies, ignoring and excluding the various generous acts of individuals who give in small but meaningful ways to help others. Supporting the nuclear family is not philanthropy as it is a primary responsibility, nor is it the exchange of goods and services for economic reasons. An act is considered philanthropic when the donation is intended for people outside the nuclear family and without any apparent expectation of economic return. (Bradford Smith et al) Three main approaches to philanthropy evident in the traditional literature. There is charitable philanthropy, scientific philanthropy and venture or entrepreneurial philanthropy. (Anheier, Helmut K. & Leat, Diana – 2013) The charitable or service approach to philanthropy has its origins in religion or moral practice and includes giving to congregations, governing bodies of religious communities, and ministries of media. obligation for religious purposes to donate to the church or religious affiliation or to the less privileged. A considerable amount of time is also devoted to a cause that the individual perceives as improving the lives of others or the community to which he or she belongs. Charitable philanthropy although very similar should not be confused with “Charity” which refers to helping someone directly to solve a current and immediate need and does not necessarily have to be financial. In charitable philanthropy, the goal is to improve the long-term situation of others through charitable giving or financial giving (Dietlin, 2010). Scientific philanthropy provides funds for scientific research that plays an important role in the promotion, progress and advancement of the common. good.[endnoteRef:8] It focuses on solving the causes, not just the symptoms, of social problems. In this framework, wealthy and powerful individuals and families allocate large sums of money to fund promising new ideas or research that could quickly advance a field of study such as science, mathematics, or psychology. Science philanthropy plays a key role in promoting scientific and social progress and promoting the common good of humanity. Entrepreneurial or adventurous philanthropy is considered an investment tool and a viable method for creating social wealth, i.e. bringing an entrepreneurial approach to philanthropy. This means finding new and better ways to mobilize and deploy resources to make the world a better place. It's not just about the support we give to acharity working on a social issue, but also finding new and better ways to mobilize and deploy resources. African Philanthropy African philanthropy has been described as the effort undertaken by Africans to support Africans in their endeavors. the continent, whether materially, financially or in terms of development. (McBride Nkhalamba)It is also described as “surrendering oneself in the service of humanity…” (Moyo and Ramsamy, 2014). African communities working together to support each other become resilient and are able to overcome challenges associated with their own environmental development. It is further argued that in the typical African context, neighbor cannot do without neighbor when others are able to offer some form of assistance. Community giving and sharing for common gain are at the heart of African philanthropy. Jacob Mati [footnoteRef:2] in his review on “Philanthropy in Contemporary Africa” The culture of giving in Africa presents many complexities in terms of form of practice and motivation. In the sphere of practice, we identify the formal, the informal or the hybrid. Operating modes. The formal act of philanthropy refers to strategic donations from individuals or institutions to improve their operations and. The formal or institutionalized form of philanthropy involves philanthropic establishments and foundations that create long-term opportunities for sustainable giving. Philanthropic initiatives are designed to adapt and carefully integrate with an organization's overall mission, goals and values. They aim to benefit both business and society by improving the well-being of the individual and creating a sense of solidarity with those in need. This form of philanthropic giving is a foreign phenomenon, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. One way or another, continued dependence on “foreign” funds has systematically weakened the ability of continents to set their own development priorities and policies. There is also a lack of clear understanding of the concept in Africa, as there is a distinction between African philanthropy and philanthropy practiced in other parts of the world. In Africa, community and social values ​​shape philanthropy and are not tied to periods of boom or prosperity nor are they supported by formal foundations, but by individuals, groups and communities. The culture of giving, particularly to those in need within the traditional African community, is however an ancient and very common practice. Across Africa, people have developed their own informal mechanisms to support and help each other, either through personal or shared resources (Copeland-Carson 2005). It is common in many communities to find friends and family coming together to contribute and give in any way. possible way to support each other. This distinct characteristic of community-based social giving philanthropy in Africa should begin to form the framework that defines African philanthropy. Such a definition takes into consideration the many and varied ways in which people give to others in African society. It also allows recognition of the charitable activities of Africans within and outside their communities and does not suggest that philanthropism is the preserve of foundations alone. and wealthy philanthropists. If one broadens the concept to include the giving of money, goods and time, Africans will emerge as having a strong philanthropic tradition.