
  • Essay / Future identity of America - 1732

    Are black people so different from white people? It's both a question and a concern that society is paying a lot of attention to today: Is there cultural assimilation in the United States or does the country still remain segregated? In reality, America has a long way to go before it can say it fully integrates both races equally. Donnell Alexander, author of “Cool Like Me,” addresses the subject of prejudice that white people have toward black people, arguing that there is no such thing as cultural integration and that the United States is still separate. With many lucid examples using expressive tones and personal examples, he compares his coolness to that of other blacks and other cultures in order to get the reader to identify "cool" and view it as a black quality and observing it in American culture. as a style and way of thinking. Racial problems in today's world are inescapable and are involved in every conflict because the root cause of today's problems still traces back to race. Beginning his essay by explaining how "cool" he is and how it benefits him, Alexander shows, through his examples of different people, that in society there are many people of diverse races and cultures (Alexander 415 ). There are countless unique individuals living together, but they are still not integrated into a culture so large that it seems inevitable. This is a result of the media, which further confirms that society is far from integrated due to the differences in lifestyles of all cultures rather than conformity among one (Alexander 416). Alexander justifies that white people can put the culture of another race behind their own, get from it what they want, without fully integrating with the other...... middle of paper...... will continue until a change occurs. Here, however, the author illustrates in his ironic essay his composure in the face of ignorance, oppression and terror, highlighting the main downfalls of this struggle. By comparing his composure to that of other blacks and whites, Alexander successfully shows how lacking America still has a long way to go toward racial equality. Alexander believes that integration has not occurred, but that whites and blacks live together with their own distinct cultures and that whites absorb the desirable aspects of black culture and leave the rest. This is far from integration, and through his research on this subject, Alexander believes that "yes, black people are cooler than white people." (Alexander???)Works CitedAlexander, Donnell. “Cool like me.” Seeing and writing 4.Donald McQuade/Christine McQuade. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. 415-421. Print.