
  • Essay / An overview of socialization agents

    For everyone, the agents of socialization may vary, although we all experience socialization from our family in some sense and from school to some extent, which are the agents with which most of my socialization occurred. My family members played a vital role in teaching me what is right and wrong in society, how to care for myself as independently as I had the potential to be, and overall being a human attentive. In school, several of my instructors helped me become a much more social person, in the sense of being a leader, a follower, and a more confident person. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay As shown in the video “Gender Stereotypes of Women in the Media,” women were portrayed as gentle people who took care of all the household chores and had to be the only one responsible for these tasks. Since a child's parents have been socialized to share these same beliefs, they are much more likely to socialize their children in the same way. There are exceptions to these ideas, as it is generally about what a child is socialized to believe, for example, if a child had a single mother with no father figure in the picture, the child will be socialized to believe that women can do just about anything in and around the house and so do they, nothing is off limits just because they are a boy or a girl. Children are the most impressionable members of society and rely on their parents to teach them certain roles. However, as media has become more important in society, children focus more on this than on their own parents at the time. As seen in the video "Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood", children are known to actively flock to familiar characters and demand products "endorsed" by these characters, declaring that they are the best products because they like the character. on the box. Although older members of society know that these products provide no real improvement beyond a modified shape or a cartoon character designed as the face of the product intended to appeal only to a child, it does not There is no real way to convince a child that they are no better than another similar product with no character on the packaging. Just like adults, once a child has made up his mind about something, there is no real way to force him to change his mind unless he actively decides it himself. Two key people who have shaped my life are my older brother, Kevin, and my high school military JROTC instructor, SFC Lein. While our mother continually worked to support all three of us, my brother was there for me as often as possible to support me and teach me how to succeed on my own. Kevin taught me to always show respect to others even if I felt they didn't deserve it, to take care of all important tasks as quickly as possible, and, as I got older, to be self-reliant when necessary. was necessary. I have known about SFC Lein since I was in fifth grade, as my older brother and our uncle were members of the JROTC program for which SFC Lein was an instructor. Since knowing him, I have learned more of what I learned from my brother - much of what he instilled in me was also instilled in him by SFC Lein. The main idea of ​​respect was pushed - for three years I was faced with the dilemma of not showing respect to someone I had none for, which CFS.