
  • Essay / Devastation by Segregation in The Help and Autobiography of a Former Colored Man

    Did you know that the state of Mississippi didn't officially abolish slavery until February 7, 2013? Although slaves have not worked in the fields of Mississippi since the end of the Civil War, evidence of racial prejudice is far from gone. On a recent trip to Greenwood, Mississippi, Nikole Hannah-Jones witnessed these lingering prejudices and wrote, "The Delta can be devastating." This devastation is addressed in two novels: The Help by Kathryn Stockett and The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Weldon Johnson. Set in Jackson, Mississippi, The Help chronicles the lives of African-American maids working for white families. The Autobiography of a Former Colored Man tells the story of a half-black man torn between fitting into white society and being proud of his African heritage. In each novel, the authors prove to the reader that “the Delta can be devastating” through the stories of their minor characters. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayFirst, the Delta is devastating to Yule May, a black maid working for Hilly Holbrook. Yule May only needs seventy-five dollars to send her two sons to college, but Hilly refuses to lend her the money. She is stuck because as a mother, she loves both her sons equally and must provide them with the same opportunities. In a letter to Skeeter, she wrote: "For ten years, my husband and I saved our money to send them to Tougaloo College, but even though we worked hard, we still did not have enough for both" ( Stockett 293). . In desperation, she resorts to theft and pawns one of Hilly's old rings. When Hilly realizes this, Yule May is immediately sent to prison and most of her savings are lost due to the court fine. Thus, Yule May is doomed by the Delta due to the lack of opportunities for people of her race. Furthermore, Mae Mobley ultimately falls victim to the ignorance and neglect of her mother, Elizabeth Leefolt. Elizabeth is repulsed by Mae Mobley's lack of aesthetics, so she rarely plays with her or cleans up after her. From a young age, Mae Mobley is raised by her black maid, Aibileen, and witnesses discrimination against her (such as when Miss Leefolt decides to build her a separate bathroom). Despite this, Aibileen teaches Mae Mobley morals and self-esteem, as shown by the motto "You are kind". You are smart. You are important” (Stockett 521). Therefore, firing Aibileen becomes the most destructive decision Elizabeth has made for her daughter. As Aibileen leaves, Mae Mobley wonders, “Why? Why don't you want to see me anymore? Are you going to take care of another little girl? (Stockett 520). Mae Mobley feels the devastation of a loved one leaving her, but she won't see the real devastation - the loss of a role model - until much later. Consequently, the Delta devastates Mae Mobley by depriving her of Aibileen. Finally, James Weldon Johnson's devastation is inflicted on him by his supposed benefactor, a Pullman car porter. As he prepares to attend Atlanta University, his school money and tie are stolen. Since he can no longer afford to go to school, the doorman kindly lends him money and suggests that he move to Jacksonville to find work. Later, Johnson recognizes the doorman wearing his stolen tie. When Johnson realizes that it is his "friend" who has stolen all his money, he says: "My astonishment and the ironic humor of the situation made me, 2009.