
  • Essay / Positive Thinking and a Meaningful Life - 1835

    The “invisible butterfly” called happiness has been the primary goal of humans with the influence of religious teachings and cultures emphasizing the pursuit of such a nature to the point that even the United States Declaration of Independence recites that “all men are created equal [and] are endowed… with the pursuit of happiness.” (The Declaration of Independence, paragraph 2). While many people were obedient in their pursuit of happiness, some stopped along the way and wondered if the pursuit of such nature was worth it in the end. The article will examine two cases of views contrary to the idea of ​​pursuing happiness, each contrasting appropriate evidence to persuade readers that happiness should be achieved by practicing positive thinking. One must practice positive thinking to enhance the experience of a meaningful life, as it enables the individual to overcome obstacles in a healthy way and find purpose in life. This topic is very relevant to readers of all ages because it addresses the importance of happiness, which most of us are trying to achieve, and emphasizes how to achieve it, especially through thought positive. By applying positive thinking, students would be able to overcome daily obstacles, thereby improving their self-confidence and performance in different areas of their lives, such as studies and social interactions. How do we define happiness? Many theories and questions have been raised to discover them. the true nature of this existence, as it has been a terrible subject to discuss and define for many great thinkers. According to psychologist Ed Diener (2008), author of Happiness: Unlocking the Psychological Wealth, happiness is "'subjective well-being' as a co...... middle of paper ...... from from's%20Search%20For%20Meaning%20(psychology,%20psychotherapy,%20philosophy)-o.pdfKlagge , J. (nd) From the meaning of life to the meaning of life. Retrieved from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University:, C., Aaker, J., & Kamvar, DS (2012). How happiness affects choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 39. doi: 10.1086/663774 Seligman, M. (July 2003). Happiness: the three traditional theories. Retrieved from the University of Pennsylvania, Authentic Happiness Newsletter website: Declaration of Independence: A Transcription. (2013). Declaration of Independence. Retrieved from