
  • Essay / On Gender Inequality in the 21st Century

    I like the quote from President Obama that opens Chapter 10 on gender inequality: “These traditions can go back centuries; [but] they have no place in the 21st century” (Mooney 318). Tradition can often become the enemy of progress, and while it is important to recognize one's own cultural biases when criticizing someone else for their own backward values, when it comes to violations of human rights and endangering the well-being of others, it is important to remain loud. Although transgender has long permeated American culture, primarily mocked by mocking stereotypical depictions of all non-cisgender individuals as drag queens, divas, butch, etc., it has truly become a debate at the forefront. guard of American culture in 2015. when former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner announced his transition from male to female and became known as Caitlyn Jenner. Sex changes have happened in the past, usually on the fringes of society, but this is an unprecedented event for such a high-profile celebrity. At the same time, the case of MC v. Medical University of South Carolina was pending before the Supreme Court over the distinction between sex and gender. According to the manual, sex is officially defined as "a person's biological classification as male or female," while gender is defined as "the social definitions and expectations associated with being a woman or a man” (Mooney 320). Therefore, even though a person may be born male and biologically considered as such, they may feel more comfortable identifying as the opposite gender, as transgender people do. Although gender inequality is undeniably still present today, I think the textbook boldly states that "there is no country in the world in which men and... middle of paper... taken by some Religious groups are unnecessary and in fact dangerous, making homosexuals feel like they are natural phenomena that need to be changed, which is false and scientifically impossible. Fortunately, these efforts were found illegal by the New Jersey Superior Court, based on consumer fraud and false advertising, because these programs failed to change a person's sexual orientation. Unfortunately, Pope Francis has supported anti-gay protests and said that "the [Catholic] Church will never accept homosexual unions," so religiously supported same-sex marriage may take time. In the meantime, homosexuals must continue the struggle, particularly abroad, in countries where homosexuality is still harshly punished, and fight to be legally recognized as equal and benefit from the same rights as the cisgender and heterosexual majority...