
  • Essay / A Walk In The Woods - 1034

    “A Walk In the Woods” by Bill Bryson is a book that embodies the struggles one must go through to better themselves. This can be seen with the main characters. They are two middle-aged men named Bryson, a man who resides in New Hampshire, and Katz, Bryson's overweight alcoholic college friend from Iowa. When he was thinking of someone to accompany him, a grumpy college friend named Katz came to mind. At first, Bryson intended for the trail to be hiked only as a way to see the great nation of America, but it led to so much more as he discovered many important topics. This is true because the journey was filled with adventure as they discovered the heart of America and realized their own personal problems. Through this, the men conquered many areas of their lives that they were not strong in before, including physical fitness, cooperation with others, and finally, most notably, Katz addressing his personal issues. So, even though they didn't complete the entire journey, which was the initial goal, they achieved something more important, by overcoming their personal flaws, thus making this journey a complete success. As the ambitious men took on this enormous task, they realized that it was going to be a challenge, but did not fully realize that it was an almost impossible task for the human body. For example, while the men were packing for the grueling trip, Katz decided to buy many unhealthy treats for the trip. Specifically, it happened when Katz and Bryson first went to the market before going on a hike. Katz picked up snickers, cookies and chips, all of which are not foods people should eat during strenuous physical activity. Also, while at the trailhead, they ate noodles which are not healthy for hikers who need a lot of energy. However, over time, the men began to eat healthier foods and, as a result, had more energy to hike more of the trail. Specifically, they went from about eight miles per day to about sixteen miles per day on average. Through this hard work, Katz, once overweight and lazy, began to become very inspired by hiking and exercise in general and ended up reinventing his lifestyle afterward. Therefore, the men had gained another key to their success, by being healthy and enduring adults...