
  • Essay / The strength of a single parent illustrated in The Scarlet...

    What is a single parent? Is he the one who destroys his child's life? Is it the one who ultimately cannot raise a minor alone? Or is it someone who dedicates their life to the well-being of their child? Imagine a parent and for whatever reason they find themselves raising a child alone. That parent you imagine has to work long hours just to put a meal on the table. This parent must play the role of mother and father. This parent has no financial support. Unfortunately, in our society, this image of a single parent is looked down upon. There are people who don't realize everything a single parent goes through to give their child a better life. When it comes to the controversial issue of parenting, I believe that a single parent has the ability to raise a child as effectively as two parents can. The reasons for this are that the minor can learn life lessons that can only be learned with a single parent, that the single guardian may be the best choice for the young person, and that a single parent has the ability to devote all of his or her attention and care to the son or daughter. Although some readers may object that it is impossible for a single parent to care for a child rather than two parents, I would respond that it is not impossible. In The Scarlet Letter, a woman named Hester and her little daughter Pearl were excluded from society; and the young mother was left alone to take care of her daughter. Ultimately, my goal is to demonstrate that a child with a single parent can be raised properly using the example of Hester and Pearl. By being with Hester, Pearl was able to experience a different way of living that allowed her to have an outside perspective on life. puritan life and learn moral lessons from it. Pearl was not born into the typical paper environment... (271). Hester had effectively raised a young one to become something that was not expected. Although she was rejected, Hester found a way to positively show the moral lessons to Pearl with the scarlet letter. Even when the townspeople wanted to take Pearl away from her mother, they were not triumphant. The mother's life was devoted solely to Pearl; to keep her protected, warm, fed, clothed and loved. My conclusion, based on the success of Pearl's life, is that a single mother can raise a child. A single parent has the capacity to raise and love a son or daughter just like two parents. A single parent is sometimes the best choice for who the minor can live with. A single parent may have challenges, but they can overcome them just to keep the child they love alive and well. Now is the time to realize what a single parent can really accomplish?