
  • Essay / Conflicts in Borstal Boy by Brendan Behan - 836

    Borstal BoyThroughout history there have been many conflicts, some are internal issues, some are not. The book Borstal Boy by Brendan Behan is an example of both. At first, most problems seem worth killing and dying for; however, towards the end the problems are more internal in origin. The issue at the beginning is the liberation of the United Kingdom, which is when he joins the Irish Republic Army (IRA) and goes to Liverpool to blow up a port. In the end he realizes that the problem is internal and that many other people like him have very similar problems and that he needs to let something go. In Borstal Boy, Brendan Behan proves that through his conversations with other young delinquents and prisoners, also part of the working class, that they all have more in common with each other, than the upper classes of the same religion and ethnicity, whether the person is Irish Catholic or English Protestant. He also realized that this hatred of each other was artificial and encouraged by a middle class that was afraid of the working class. In one part of the book, Brendan now observed first-hand the natural confidence and brotherhood of lower-class urban boys, regardless of their circumstances. where their house is. Brendan says that "other guys might criticize me about Ireland or the bombing campaign, but I was closer to them than they would ever let Ken be" (Behan 227) , it's because Ken wasn't of a lower class and he did it. do not have the same life experiences as other prisoners. Brendan also reiterates this when he says: “I had the same upbringing as most of them, Dublin, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and London. All our mothers had all done the pawn shop on Monday, middle of paper...... people are not equal or fair. According to Warren Buffet, “there is indeed a class war, but it is my class, the rich class, that is waging war, and we are winning, but they should not be.” This is an example of one class winning over another, but his is not the first time. Industrial Workers of the World is a great historical example: In 1930, the Harlan County coal strike began, the IWW came to defend the coal miners of Harlan County, Kentucky, and many of its members were accused of murder for defending a picket line. during a strike, however there were killings on both sides and the foremen/factory owners were not punished. After reading this book, I can now understand why such problems arise and why some groups may do this, even if it seems like it. odd or upside down. Works CitedBehan, Brendan and Benidict Kiely Boston: Nonpareil Books, 1959. Print..