
  • Essay / The impact of Quebec nationalism in Canada - 1911

    4.3. Ethnic divides Scholars widely debate cultural diversity as a cause of decentralization. “Provincial governments are strong in Canada because Canadians have distinct needs and interests that cannot be met within a single national government, and also because Canadians actually want strong provincial governments and a federal government relatively weak” (Stevenson, “Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations.” 90). This argument was strategically counter-argued by sociologist John Porter in The Vertical Mosaic. “Even if this were true, it would not necessarily explain the power exercised by provincial governments” (Stevenson, “Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations, p. 91).4.4. Quebec nationalism Quebec nationalism played an important role in strengthening the centrifugal forces of Canadian federalism. “Quebec's example encouraged other provinces to challenge federal authority, using some of the same arguments and tactics developed by Quebec” (Stevenson, “Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations” 91). Federal initiatives, such as the promotion of French speakers to public office, have created an anti-federal and anti-Quebec reaction. This negative reaction benefited the campaign of other provincial politicians favoring decentralized government. Contemporary federal governments "have attempted to appease Quebec nationalism by transferring federal powers and responsibilities not only to Quebec, but to all the provinces" (Stevenson, "Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations" 91).4.5. Unequal economic development The official ranking of interprovincial disparities in wealth and income has remained virtually unchanged since the 1920s. The importance of natural resources to the Canadian economy has strengthened the power of the provinces...... middle paper......Lazar, Harvey. “The Spending Power and the Harper Government.” HeinOnline. 34 Queen's LJ 125 2008-2009 Mallory, JR. 1965. “The five faces of federalism”. In PA Crépeau and CB Macpherson (eds.) The Future of Canadian Federalism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. “The Prime Minister promotes open federalism. » Prime Minister of Canada. Np, April 21, 2006. Web. July 15, 2014. .Stevenson, Garth. “Canadian federalism: the myth of the status quo”. Reinventing Canada: Politics for the 21st Century. Ed. Mr. Janine Brodie and Linda Trimble. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2003. 204-14. Print.Stevenson, Garth. “Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations.” Canadian politics in the 21st century. Ed. Michael S. Whittington and Glen Williams. Scarborough, ON: Nelson Thomson Learning, 2000. 85-1