
  • Essay / Personal Statement on Justification from a Christian Perspective

    A biblical view of justification has been placed in my heart since I began learning the Bible more deeply and analyzing it in group. Somehow the feeling of thankfulness deeply overwhelmed my heart. My good works are distinct from my justification by faith because it is a gift from God. Oddly, I feel forgiven because somehow I was declared righteous before God and was adopted by His family; How could I not be eternally grateful to him? Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay I feel like this constant and growing feeling of thanksgiving has motivated me to return to worshiping my God. I was a guitarist in my church for over 2 years in 2016-18, and I felt like my presence on the team no longer had “meaning”. Because of the long days of practice and ministry, I felt exhausted and tired; I needed a break. So, I resigned and left the ministry of the Church as a whole. I think understanding my justification by God's grace has thrown me back into a life of worship and hunger for His love. For the past 3 weeks, I have decided to return to ministry and participate in active worship as a guitarist on my church's worship team. The fact is that if my view of justification does not produce a life of worship and thanksgiving, my view of justification is only a feeling of “wanting.” But I believe in God's promises and that God sent His own begotten Son for me to die as a substitute on the cross. Having confessed and repented of my sins, I am indeed justified in the name of the Lord. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized document from our expert writers now. Get a Custom Essay To summarize, justification has two main aspects: the forgiveness of my sins and the fact that the righteousness of Christ has been attributed to me. I am indeed united in Christ by faith and his righteousness is imputed to me. The basis of justification lies in the obedient life and death of Jesus. Justification by faith rests on no basis of my works or my personal worth, and it is further removed from righteousness towards me; I am God's target for his justice. Our justification is not only brought up in certain theological debates and discussions; it affects my life and that of my fellow believers. I may not be able to fully understand God's love, but understanding this doctrine gives me confidence, develops my heart with humility, and gives me a life of continual thankfulness...