
  • Essay / Melting Polar Ice Caps - 529

    This article shows how ice caps have melted faster in the last 20 years than in the last 10,000. Satellites have confirmed that melting ice caps are raising sea levels at a faster rate. My topic is how ice sheets have increased their melting rates over the past centuries. Many have noticed that the ice caps are frozen again, but they have not noticed that the ice is reflected and reflected. In centuries past, these two years were a huge change for our ice sheets. This means that if this continues, we expect a longer summer and a shorter winter season. This will not only harm us, but also our animals. We may not see the bad effects, but later in life, it will be our children and grandchildren who will suffer because of the hands of men. In the few reports I saw, there was 95 percent certainty that global warming was 90 percent human-caused in 2007. When this layer melts, the earth absorbs the heat and temperatures increase. As temperatures rise, more moisture is retained in the warmer atmosphere, creating creatine....