
  • Essay / Speaking Standard English Can Succeed as an Individual...

    Topic: Speaking Standard English Can Succeed as an Individual in Nigerian Society. Although speaking standard English can help individuals succeed in society, this is not necessarily the case for a Nigerian politician. Speaking standard English for most Nigerian leaders is important, but it is not necessary for them. Their goal is to use any type of language to convince their voters. Speaking standard English is essential for the person representing their country internationally (such as for a political appointment), because English is a global language. Nigeria’s “overwhelming dominance in terms of population makes its variety of English the prototype of WAE; as Golach (1984: 84) points out, the future of English in Nigeria will be more or less determined by the forms and functions it takes at this stage. With over 471 languages ​​(including English and Pidgin English) spoken in Nigeria (SIL 1996-99e, para ), the linguistic situation is quite complex. English is the official language, but Hausa (with about 21% of the population as speakers), Igbo (about 16%) and Yoruba (20%), as the three main languages, have semi-official status. -official. The government also encourages every child to learn one of the three major languages ​​other than their own mother tongue” (Igboanusi 1997:22, based on the National Education Policy of 1981), in addition to English. In a country like Nigeria, a political leader prefers to speak the local language rather than standard English, all he knows is to convince his people for their votes. Most Nigerian politicians do not have standard English due to their orientation. They are oriented with their local language since their childhood, since their...... middle of paper...... A country like Nigeria could not produce a simple electronic device so they depend on another country. For example, cars, telephones, airplanes and other electronic equipment. This equipment was programmed in English, so there was no way for an illiterate person to be able to use this device without knowing how to speak good standard English (Kachru Book, 1986: 21). Finally, Nigerians will totally disagree with a person who does not speak their local language speaks their local language; some will have difficulty communicating with him. In conclusion, speaking standard English will help people in terms of job opportunities, but is not really necessary or important for politicians. For a good politician, he must be able to master both the local language and English..