
  • Essay / The Ghost of King Hamlet in William Shakespeare's Hamlet

    During his years as an author, William Shakespeare wrote approximately thirty-seven plays. “Hamlet,” a play written by Shakespeare, follows a young prince of Denmark named Hamlet and his quest to undo his father's death at the hands of his uncle and now father-in-law and King Claudius. While facing his own inner conflict, he must deal with the impending attack from border Norway. William Shakespeare wrote his play “Hamlet” to argue that inner conflict depicts a causal relationship with outer conflict. First, this linear relationship appears with the appearance of the Ghost. In act one, scene five of “Hamlet,” the ghost of King Hamlet appears. The Ghost's inner goal is to ask Hamlet to "avenge his most vile and unnatural murder" (1.5.31). The ghost of King Hamlet plays an important role in the progression of the play because it places on Hamlet's head the heavy burden of avenging the death of his father, which exists throughout the play. Additionally, Horatio explains to Hamlet that “[The Ghost] beckoned you to go with [him]/…desired [to speak] to you alone” (1.4.63-65). Clearly, The Ghost wants Hamlet's full attention as well as only his attention, not anyone else's. As the two work together alone, King Hamlet's ghost creates more doubts in Hamlet's head about his father's death. Through the ghost of King Hamlet creating a blurred vision of King Hamlet's death, Hamlet further believes that he must continue to avenge his father's death by killing Claudius. This inner conflict ends up affecting not only Hamlet and Claudius, but also the country of Denmark. Furthermore, as Hamlet attempts to avenge his father's death internally, he must face the next middle of paper.. ....firming the causal relationship between inner conflict and outer conflict. By finally killing King Claudius, Hamlet resolves both conflicts at the same time. Hamlet's inner conflict resolves as Hamlet finally takes revenge on King Claudius for the death of his father. The external conflict between Denmark and Norway reaches its end point when Fortinbras takes the Kingdom of Denmark under his wing once the king and next in line to the throne die from each other. In summary, Hamlet's inner conflict exacerbates the problem with Denmark but ultimately solves the problem with Norway and Fortinbras with a sip of poison from a goblet. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Literature “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”: an introduction to reading and writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts. 9th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009. Print