
  • Essay / What is dyslexia? - 1609

    Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects many people around the world. It is an incurable disease that affects the way a person understands, processes, retains, remembers and expresses information. While many adults learn to live with their disabilities, children with dyslexia are often distracted and struggle in school, some without help because their condition has not been diagnosed. This article will discuss the different types of dyslexia, the symptoms of the condition, how it is diagnosed, its effects on people with a disability, and the statistics regarding this disability. Types of Dyslexia There are three distinct types of dyslexia that have been defined. The first is visual dyslexia. With this type, the learner has difficulty decoding or spelling words because they cannot visualize the word. “These learners tend to have good auditory processing skills as well as an understanding of phonics, but they have difficulty with visual processing, memory synthesis, and word sequencing” (Warren, E.). The classic symptom of letter reversal is common with this type of dyslexia. The second type of dyslexia is auditory dyslexia. These learners have difficulty expressing phonemic awareness. “These learners tend to have good visual processing skills, but they have deficits in auditory processing and linking a sound to a visual signal” (Warren, E.). The third type of dyslexia is alexic dyslexia. This type has difficulty with visual dyslexia and auditory dyslexia. These learners are affected by a complete loss of reading ability. Dyslexia can be developmental or acquired. If it is developmental, it is caused by genetic abnormalities in the brain. If the condition is middle of, K. (2014). The diagnosis of dyslexia * The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. (2014). Accessed April 8, 2014, from of Dyslexia The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. (2014). Accessed April 8, 2014, from for Dyslexia | How to Test for Dyslexia - NCLD. (2014). Retrieved April 8, 2014 from, E. (nd). The different types of dyslexia: targeted intervention. Materials for learning specialists. is dyslexia? | Reading Difficulties - NCLD. (nd). Retrieved April 8, 2014 from