
  • Essay / In pursuit of genetic perfection through genetics...

    Naturally, we humans are imperfect. We may have poor eyesight, we may be overweight, we may have an illness that challenges our mobility, our life expectancy and even our mental health; However, science has discovered a treatment method that can stop all these disorders even before you are born. Genetic engineering is the scientific process of modifying certain genes in living organisms such as plants, animals and humans to achieve a specific beneficial goal. The benefits of genetic engineering include curing many of the incurable diseases known today, modifying our food sources so that they can grow in abundance, and feeding an overall healthier generation of children. The downsides of genetic engineering include additional damage to our environment, an unethical social view of human morality, and the invocation of a new means of warfare, particularly biological warfare. In my opinion, genetic engineering is a step forward in humanity, which constantly advances the knowledge of our world, it can save lives, make us healthier and less dangerous than other scientific techniques. Genetic engineering began with Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection. In his book "Natural Selection", Charles Darwin explains: "An individual, therefore, who, after having had a slight beneficial variation, has been preserved or naturally selected, would in many cases tend to transmit the news, by slight modifications to his offspring” (214). Darwin then begins to describe hybridity, which he explains as "the sterility of two pure species, when first crossed, and that of their hybrid offspring has not always been sufficiently distinct" (389). Darwin's theories were at the forefront of many scientists with...... middle of paper...... shortcomings. 2014. Web.Gregory Conko, CS Prakash. “Can genetically modified crops play a role in developing countries? December 13, 2004. Web.Charles Hagedorn. Scientific basis for risks associated with transgenic crops. vol.54, number 54. 2014. Print.Unknown. Genetic engineering. August 9, 2002. Web.Ron Epstien. “Ethical and spiritual questions in genetic engineering”. October 1998, pp.6-7. Print.Federation of American Scientists. Introduction to biological weapons. 2003. Web.Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. The first clinical trial of gene therapy proves successful. Ayala, May 10, 2008. Print. Jane Bosveld. “Evolution through intelligent design.” Monday February 2, 2009. Printed. History Office Staff. Gregor Mendal: the father of modern genetics. June 2010. Internet.