
  • Essay / Personal Story - Graduation Day - 1132

    Graduation DayIt was one of the most exciting and challenging days of our lives. Even though we were finally leaving high school, the feeling of uncertainty didn't go away. The whole day was filled with practice in preparation for the big moment when the whole class got a fresh start. All the girls wore bright red dresses and the guys were dressed in bright navy blue. Standing there, I didn't know what to expect. Some things I was aware of, my friends were leaving and we wouldn't be the same friends. My role was to be so aware of the future that I was too shocked to absorb the present; being pessimistic was my main goal and everything I was sure of came true. At this moment, there is a buzz going around the room where all the seniors are waiting, and they sound like bees swarming around the room. It's hot and we're all impatient. Amber is calmer and enjoying the good times in the present. She stands there, happy but sad to be scattered from the rest of her classmates. Ann, the smartest one, has a little fun but not really. Her feelings are those of a person who realizes that she will miss what she had, but wants to get the ceremony over with because it is taking too long. Standing in this room, we are together and enjoying one last shot in real time with each other. Amber's mother is so proud of her daughter that she continues to talk, smile and try to participate in every MOMENT. Amber says to herself that she wishes her mother wasn't there, but she's "happy inside because someone is cooing" to her. As Ann stands next to Amber, she continues to have these expressions that say she enjoys being with her friends, but "what's taking so long?" Can't we take these damn dresses off again? “We are all here, waiting, waiting and just being. My thoughts change from moment to moment. We may be standing in the classroom and focused on the camera, but there's a lot more going on in our heads. I know we're all wondering exactly what the weather will be like outside. Stupid time is like a child and can't decide whether to be good or bad. Secretly, we all pray for the best and anticipate what the screams from our section of the stands will sound like. Amber knows who will be sitting in her section. The smart girl, Ann, thinks her family will be there and is excited to...... middle of paper ...... thought maybe we wouldn't be friends anymore or even know each other at 'future. Unexpectedly, we all felt affection for a place we had come to despise and longed to leave. Why would this happen to us? We have all realized that right now we are growing up but we are far from being “adults”. Suddenly there is a flash of light and in that moment I knew the three of us would be separated for the rest of the day, perhaps for our lives. The flash brought it all back. It gave us a reason to go back to the hallway and chat pointlessly with our friends. After leaving that room, we shared another moment together but in a different way. The image was there and we had superficial thoughts, but graduation was so much more. It marked a major moment in our lives and sent us into the future. We were no longer the next generation because we were being sent into the adult world. Would we all still be appreciated? How will the world accommodate three naive girls who know nothing? All these questions were to be asked and forgotten because we were caught up in the moment. The image marks this era of our past and a..