
  • Essay / Cassius: The Master of Persuasion

    “For who is so firm that cannot be seduced? » (1.2.312). Cassius' whispered soliloquy in William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar immediately draws attention to his goal of manipulating people. A man versed in rhetoric, he uses his knowledge to persuade and convince other men. Nowhere in this play is his ability more apparent than when he tricks Brutus into joining his plot to assassinate Caesar. While presenting himself as a concerned friend, Cassius secretly manipulates Brutus using strong knowledge of his desires and fears. Along with the juxtaposition of Brutus and Caesar and the compelling choice of words, Cassius successfully convinces Brutus to join his plan to kill Caesar. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay. Cassius first establishes himself as a reliable and trustworthy ally of Brutus. After telling Brutus that he would be his mirror, Cassius asks Brutus to "keep him dangerous" if he was just a "common laugh" or if he "flattered men" and later "scandalized them » (1.2.72, 75-78). This statement is an open invitation for Brutus to question Cassius' moral character. As John Dove points out: “It is clear that no man issues such a challenge unless he is sure that it cannot be met” (Dove). Brutus first judges whether Cassius performed any of the acts described, because this syllogism requires that men who commit such acts be considered dangerous. Cassius knows that Brutus will not consider him a traitor once he determines that the minor premise was false: that Cassius did not commit any of these acts. Brutus, who must judge the morality of Cassius, indeed gives a lot of weight to these sentences. In the next 80 lines, while Cassius criticizes Caesar, Brutus barely utters a word. When he finally speaks, he responds: “If you love me, I am not jealous” (1.2.162). His words do not refer to anything Cassius had said immediately before Brutus's entry. They are actually referencing Cassius' original declaration of sincerity at the beginning of their conversation. Brutus clearly spent a lot of time thinking about Cassius' statements. Indeed, as Dove states, "it was as if he had not heard Cassius' criticism of Caesar, as if he had spent most of his time thinking about the Cassius' bold assertion that his friendship, once given, is incorruptible” (Dove). Cassius has pressed Brutus to determine his loyalties, and Brutus consciously realizes that he can count on him. Having addressed him carefully, Cassius is now armed with Brutus's trust. However, Cassius still plans to present himself as a humble and caring friend. When he first approaches Brutus after Caesar's departure, he comments that he is worried about his companion; Brutus lays “a hand too stubborn and too strange” on Cassius, a “friend who loves him” (2.1.35-36). By presenting himself as a close friend concerned about Brutus' behavior, Cassius makes Brutus feel guilty if he does not fully trust and confide in him. Along with his presentation, Cassius' informal tone and kind approach lowers Brutus's defenses, so Cassius continues to seduce him. He continues by stating that he will tell Brutus how others perceive him – Cassius will be his "glass" who will "modestly discover to Brutus / What he does not yet know about himself" (1.2.68-70). Not only does Cassius appear sincere in helping Brutus, but he also flatters him by revealing the high regard in which the other citizens hold him. Furthermore, the logic ofCassius – a drink will reflect Brutus's self – appeals to Brutus' rational mind. Always alert to any opportunity to win Brutus's favor, even after achieving his goal – with Brutus promising to consider his ideas – Cassius remarks that he is happy that his "weak words / Have struck but such a demonstration of fire from Brutus. Using the euphemism, Cassius avoids Brutus thinking that he is a refined orator who ignites Brutus into action. Rather, he is simply a humble man expressing his opinion. Brutus, feeling comfortable making a decision based on his own ideas, is much more likely to side with Cassius. Having finished gaining credibility with Brutus as a modest friend, Cassius is ready to challenge Caesar's leadership. Cassius begins by taking advantage of Brutus's belief in stoicism. He remarks to Brutus that he has heard that "many of the best respects of Rome" are "groaning under the yoke of this age." By revealing to Brutus that some Romans found Caesar's rule oppressive and burdensome, Cassius forces him to reconsider his position as a follower of Caesar. If the people are suffering, it is Brutus' duty to help Rome get rid of the oppressor, because he must put the will of the people above all else. Then Cassius, anticipating Brutus' belief that Caesar's rule might be part of the natural order of the world, assures him that this is not the case: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars , / But to ourselves, if we are subordinate.” Brutus' philosophy subjects him to the inherent order of the earth, so he might have felt obligated to submit to Caesar. By reassuring Brutus that Caesar became a tyrant not because of fate, but only because of Brutus's own inaction, Cassius frees Brutus to accept Caesar's rule without question. Cassius reconciles Brutus' stoicism and Caesar's assassination, allowing Brutus to join his conspiracy without neglecting his philosophical principles. Cassius then follows by juxtaposing himself, Brutus, and Caesar to illustrate the inordinate disparity that exists between them. As Cassius prepares to recount Caesar's physical weaknesses, he muses that he "was born free like Caesar," just like Brutus; “Both fed equally well,” he declares, and both can “bear the cold of winter as well as he” (1.2.97-99). By drawing parallels between Brutus, Caesar, and himself, Cassius reveals how similar the three truly are. Brutus, observing that Caesar does not in fact possess more physical prowess than he or Cassius, can conclude that Caesar has no more right to rule than he does. Furthermore, Cassius phrases this sentence in a way that pits himself and Brutus against Caesar. Finding such common ground between them makes Brutus feel like a partner with Cassius. Cassius continues, and after recalling Caesar's physical fragility, rhetorically questions Brutus before juxtaposing the names of Brutus and Caesar. “Why should Caesar’s name be more pronounced than yours?” he questions Brutus: his “is as fair a name,” as a “heavy” name, and “will arouse a spirit immediately” as the name of Caesar (1.2.143-47). The parallel structure of this juxtaposition emphasizes each point of equality between the names of Brutus and Caesar. Just as every part of their name is equal, so should every facet of their political power. Cassius' rhetorical question also plays on Brutus's pride, prompting him to question why he, with all his accomplishments, is judged inferior to Caesar. After demonstrating that Caesar is no more powerful than Brutus, Cassius is ready to appeal to Brutus's emotions. Cassius continues by emotionally invoking,, 2000. 776-877.