
  • Essay / Youth Violence: Addressing the Problem and Looking for Solutions

    To begin with, youth violence has affected many people in America, including me. Youth violence touched me because there are people very close to my age and seeing that they think that violence is the answer to everything, it really disappoints me in our generation. Youth violence has also affected my life, as I can no longer go out and play all day with my friends, or even walk my dog ​​outside at night due to the increase in violence in recent years. Youth violence has also affected me because now I have to be careful about the friends I choose because I don't want to be influenced by other friends who misbehave or have a bad conduct rating or who beat all the time. For example, I remembered when my mother would tell her stories when she was younger, how she would play outside with her friends every day, and how she would walk home from school with his friends without worrying if anything bad would happen because youth violence was high. not as big or as strong as it is today in America. I also remembered one day that while reading a book, I found a very interesting quote from Martin Luther King: “Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of the spirit. Not only do you refuse to shoot a man, you refuse to hate him. I think Martin Luther King meant that not only can physical violence hurt people, but words can hurt people too. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an Original Essay Additionally, youth violence can start with virtually anything. The causes of violence among young people are countless. Some of the causes of youth violence are cyberbullying or even what you watch on television. Additionally, youth violence can be caused by lack of parental involvement, lack of parental support, or a history of family members who have been involved in a gang or simply have bad behavior. I feel like the cause of youth violence must have a lot to do with the children's parents. I believe this because if parents don't control children or teach them good behavior, they start acting out, acting out of control or fighting or arguing. I also believe that other people can influence others to initiate violence. I think it's because there are a lot of teenagers and children who have shown violence and they think violence is acceptable just because they've seen it on TV or seen their friends doing it or even seen their parents doing it. For example, nowadays there are video games that are basically about violence and shooting people and I don't think it's okay for children to see them and I think it's not their fault to children, but to parents. There is a quote from Dave Liang that says, “We do indeed destroy ourselves through violence disguised as love.” I think this quote meant that people use violence against others as an excuse to show their love. For example, a man can hit a woman while arguing and that is how he shows his love, but again, this is not good at all. Finally, I feel like there's a lot people can do about youth violence, myself included. Even if it reduces the violence a little, I can be very useful. I can do.