
  • Essay / The Word of God - 854

    Satan's accusatory conclusion in Genesis 3:4 has been drawn countless times by the serpent of old and his servants, and is probably the most common belief regarding the word of God. God ; especially these days. God's indictment of God was a subtle, intelligent, and ingenious two-pronged attack; God's word is not accurate, but not all of God's words are inaccurate. This is a popular indictment because it grants God a certain accuracy while at the same time denying the inerrancy of God's word. It's a clandestine way to have the cake and eat it at the same time. So, was the old red dragon right, and is it really necessary for all of God's word to be one hundred percent accurate, or is there room for inaccuracies? How do Christians defend themselves against the accusation: "Are there errors in the Bible?" » The no-nonsense definition of inerrancy is that every word of the Bible is true. The Bible is not infallible, because it records every fact on a given subject, but rather it is infallible, because every fact it records is true and accurate. Furthermore, the Bible can be infallible and still use everyday language, euphemisms, metaphors. , etc. which were common to people of the time. The Bible may speak, for example, of the rising and setting of the sun (Psalm 113:3), from the perspective of someone standing on the surface of the earth, even though we know that the sun does not rise or set. does not go to bed. The Bible is absolutely truthful even though it often uses everyday language to describe natural phenomena or approximations, etc. Language can be true while offering imprecise statements. “I live a little over a kilometer from my office,” for example, is an imprecise statement that reflects the proximity of my home to my office. ...... middle of paper ...... in the manuscripts we recognize that these errors come from the hand of man and not from God. Additionally, there is the theoretical possibility of copying errors in manuscripts, but these errors are not universal. Consider, for example, that a copyist in Rome made a mistake in copying Paul's letter to the Romans. This error would stand out compared to other known copies of Paul's letter, and the variations are minor and do not alter the main message of Paul's letter. We are fortunate to have more than 5,000 copies of the New Testament, used by specialists in textual variants who assure us of the accuracy of the New Testament. Satan is the author of lies (John 8:44), and his indictment of God's word is therefore FALSE. God's inherent definition is that He cannot lie (Titus 1:2), meaning that every word He records for man is true..