
  • Essay / Animal abuse causes harm - 1697

    Animal abuseAnimal abuse causes harm to all different types of species, whether it be their use for experimentation, their intentional mistreatment or hoarding. Labs claim not to harm most animals, but there is clear past evidence of harm. Intentional abuse affects not only the animal, but also the person committing the crime. Hoarding is also abuse because of the conditions the animals find themselves in. Hoarders are people who own many animals that they cannot take care of. These include puppy mills, which stockpile female dogs with puppies and sell the puppies for money. Dogs in puppy mills receive no attention, lack food and water, and are crowded into cramped spaces with many puppies to care for. Nothing justifies cruelty and mistreatment of animals. These criminal actions should be punished by law because they often lead to crimes against humans. Certain actions against animals are also considered animal abuse by some people, but are not considered animal abuse because they are necessary. We all know today that before most products are introduced to humans, they are first tested on animals. Some people think that this is animal abuse and that it harms the animals. I have been researching to find answers and a better understanding of the animals that help us in our research. The species usually used in laboratories are rats and mice due to their low cost and short lifespan. There are rat and mouse breeders who breed these species purely for testing purposes, giving them certain characteristics on which they can be tested. Another animal used for testing is the rabbit, due to the same characteristics as rats and mice. Scientists sometimes use monkeys and monkeys to test pr...... middle of paper ...... in order to find out all these things, they submit bulls to exhibitions to be judged on their body type and their characteristics. I believe in the county that animals like this kind of attention. They loved being clean, clipped and fed a little extra. Exhibited animals are obviously better cared for than animals that have no exhibition purpose. These are three of many things that don't even come close to being animal abuse. After doing this research, I showed how cruel and unfair each type of abuse is to animals. Every animal should be treated much better than in the examples I showed. But animals needing to endure acts considered abuse should not be considered a crime. Experimentation, intentional abuse, and hoarding should be avoided more persistently because of how they lead people to commit crimes against humans..