
  • Essay / Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird - 515

    Falsely accused of rape, Tom Robinson is arrested without question. Wanting a fair trial for Tom Robinson, Judge John Taylor asks Atticus to defend Tom. Deciding to defend Tom Robinson, Scout asks Atticus why he was defending a Negro. Atticus responds, “I'm just defending a nigger – his name is Tom Robinson. » (Lée 62). Compassion is demonstrated by Atticus's willingness to accept the matter. His compassion towards Tom Robinson represents his incredible sense of the right and wrong of situations. Putting himself, Jem, and Scout in danger, Atticus demonstrates not only compassion but also courage. This situation has a significant impact at this point in the text since Tom Robinson is represented as a mockingbird. Wrongly accused by Bob Ewell, Tom Robinson symbolizes the taint of a mockingbird when he is accused of rape. Atticus's compassion is so impactful because his compassion towards Tom represents the salvation of a