
  • Essay / Labor Issues in New Zealand - 2103

    As the fields of human resources (HR) and industrial relations (IR) have their origins in the concept of labor issues, it can be considered that policy changes throughout throughout New Zealand's history have solved deplorable problems. working conditions. However, unsatisfactory conditions of low wages, 12-hour working days, primitive health and safety conditions, as well as discrimination and autocratic control by management, continue to occur in some workplaces. in New Zealand (NZ). An excellent example that this essay will focus on is that of deckhands on deep sea fishing boats, to demonstrate that although working conditions still differ, these can be addressed by employers applying HR and IR approaches on the workplace to rectify fair working conditions. Talley's Nelson Deep Sea Division is a private company specializing in freezer trawler operations (Talley's, nd). Deckhands participating in these deep sea fishing expeditions spend between 40 and 50 days at sea, during which they work a rotation of six hours on and six hours off (Careers New Zealand, 2010). This cycle means employees are working 12-hour days, which could inadvertently have negative effects on their performance. Due to the tight fishing deadline, workers do not have the opportunity to relax before their next fishing trip. Alternating work schedules combined with long hours create fatigue and stress among workers and further strain their mental and physical abilities (Comperatore & Rivera, 2007). Commercial fishing is extremely competitive and under considerable pressure to deliver on time. This creates an intense and stressful working atmosphere which can cause fatigue to become a health and safety issue (Maritime New Zealand [MNZ], nd). It is considered one of the most dangerous industries to work in, and this is evidenced in New Zealand by the total number...... middle of paper ...... taken from http://www.munz /New Zealand Council of Trade Unions. (2010). The migration debate misses the point – SFWU. Retrieved from Zealand Seafood Industry Training Organisation. (2011). Seafood ITO. Retrieved from Oates, S. (November 25, 2010). Leadership Styles – Autocratic vs. Democratic vs. Bureaucratic. [Web log message]. Retrieved from Pfeffer, J. (1998). Six dangerous myths about compensation. Harvard Business Review, 76(3), 108-119. Statistics New Zealand. (nd). All work injury claims by jurisdiction – 2009. Retrieved from's Group Limited (nd). Deep Water Division. Retrieved from News. (March 2, 2009). Sealord to cut 160 jobs in Nelson. Retrieved from