
  • Essay / The Pros and Cons of Social Media - 1398

    Social media is a great source of breaking news. Sixty-five percent of searches by journalists and media editors come from social networking sites like FaceBook, Twitter and LinkdeIn (Marrouat 3). For example, during the Libyan revolution, Facebook became the only reliable source of information about what was happening in the country. On the other hand, 67% of law enforcement officers believe that social media helps solve crimes faster because criminals often expose themselves online by bragging. The Vancouver Canucks scandal is the perfect example of how social media can be used to solve crimes (Shirky 5). After the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup in 2011, Vancouver erupted into a number of riots and social media was used to subdue the rioters, as they were identified in over two thousand public photos so that police was able to stop the rioters. Social media also played a significant role in the Bahrain government's banning of Google Earth after a map of a royal family's lands circulated on the internet; As a result, the government reopened access to Google Earth within four days due to discontent expressed on social media. Historical events like those listed above are shaped around the use of social technologies. In The New Digital Age: Reshaping The Future of People, Nations and Business, authors Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen anticipate what the future holds if the world continues in this technological revolution. Using logic, insight and observation, they elaborate on the dangers and benefits that the future will hold. Although social media is a powerful tool, it not only coordinates historical moments, it also coordinates much of daily life in the 21st century. Socia...... middle of paper ......." Foreign Affairs. Np, January 1, 2011. Web. December 9, 2013. .Sharon, Leona. "Degree of Home." Degree of Home. Np, nd Web. December 9, 2013. “The effects of social networks on society.” Teen Ink, nd Web, December 9, 2013. “The negative effect of social media on society and individuals. December 9, 2013 “what is YOUR learning style?”./