
  • Essay / The Hot Topic of Immigration Issue - 811

    Immigrants have made America the country it is today. Some were fleeing persecution in their own countries. Immigrants came as free individuals, indentured servants, or slaves. Most came here to pursue a better life. America has welcomed these people and has a process in place for those who wish to obtain legal citizenship. The issue of immigration is a hot topic in the United States today and concerns people who enter the country illegally. Our representatives are proposing new laws to limit access to our country by means other than legal ones. Feelings are strong on both sides. Opponents of “illegal” immigration say the cost to Americans is too high. According to this group, “undocumented immigrants” jeopardize the jobs of our own citizens and do not pay taxes. We are incurring exorbitant medical and educational costs for this group of approximately eleven million people (for/against). Their concerns are legitimate, and it is unfair to impose higher taxes on Americans to share the cost of medical and educational expenses for people working here and not paying taxes. There is also a risk to the security of our nation. Without background checks and information regarding individuals residing in our country, there is concern that we may be more vulnerable to another terrorist attack. Members of this group believe we can deter entry by increasing patrols and surveillance and raising a wall to protect our south. border. Immigrants who entered the country legally believe it is unfair to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants. Those who entered legally followed our established process to become citizens. They came here, took the required tests, had their background checked,...... middle of paper......effectively deterrent. As long as there is a need and a suffering family, there will always be someone willing to take the risks associated with illegal entry. These people have a positive impact on our way of life. Our government and its citizens should recognize both their contributions and their sacrifices. Our current policies and laws are not working and we should look for a way to make the process easier while addressing the associated cost and safety issues. References Bandow, Doug. “Immigration benefits the United States, so let’s legalize all the work.” September 16, 2013. The web. March 21, 2014. Cooper, Marc. "Exodus." Perspectives on argumentation. Seventh edition. Pearson. 595— Finger, Richard. “Is the rule of law dead? Should we reward illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship. July 23, 2013. The web. March 21 2014.