
  • Essay / The story of Melba Pattillo Beal as described in her book, Warriors Don't Cry

    Warriors Don't Cry tells the heartbreaking first-hand account of Melba Pattillo Beal. An African-American woman who grew up in the segregated neighborhood of Little Rock, Arkansas, in the 1950s. When we are first introduced to Melba, we see this ignorant young girl whose only question is for God; “When will we have our turn to lead?” (7). With the support of her grandmother India, probably one of her greatest influences and mentors, she learns the value of patience. As the story progresses, we see Melba transform into this mature and tolerant young woman who overcomes the pain of many trials. She truly embodies the qualities of a warrior. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay A turning point in the memoir occurs when Grandma India says, “You will make this your last cry…God’s warriors do not cry.” » (57) to Melba. Even though Melba and her grandmother argue over whether or not she can witness something tiny, which upsets Melba, this statement is very profound. It was at this moment that Melba realized her importance not only to Little Rock, but also to the entire African American community across the United States. Her grandmother fully realizes what attending Central means to the future of black people in America. She now sees Melba as a soldier who needs to grow a thick skin and endure pain to get through her time at this new high school. Throughout her childhood, Melba questioned God's plan. Why has it taken God so long to take action and end the suffering of black lives? When would it finally be equal? Finally being able to sit anywhere on the bus, use the white woman's bathroom, or ride that fairground ride? Her grandmother's words resonate within her, she realizes that she must shelter her pain from the outside. She finally participates in God's war after so much patient waiting. Melba chose to share this anecdote with the reader to show the depth of influence Grandma India had on her. It also served to highlight the central role her grandmother played in Melba's upbringing. Although some may view Grandma India's actions as harsh, it's important to differentiate tough love from simply being cruel. Tears are a sign of weakness, only the victims themselves cry. Her grandmother taught her to never see herself as a victim. Grandmother India was an elderly and pious woman. Throughout her life, she witnessed the mistreatment and dehumanization of black people, and they tolerated this way of living because they felt like victims themselves. She didn't want Melba to be just another victim. Another event that really strengthened Melba's resilient ways was the expulsion of her good friend Minnijean Brown. Minnijean, finally sick and tired of being the target of numerous cruel comments and violent attacks, decided to speak her mind, calling a group of white girls "white trash" after they attacked her. She was immediately kicked out for her comments. White pro-segregationists saw this as a huge victory for their “movement” and gained momentum as they saw that these black students could indeed be discouraged. Seeing that black students can and will crack under pressure, a series of provocations began, beginning with the chant of “one nigger down, eight to go” (241). Melba, realizing that heThis was a great opportunity that pro-segregationists would use to their advantage, knowing that it meant being stronger than ever. This only strengthened his resistance skills. She was constantly slapped, spat on and, on one occasion, hit in the face with a tennis racket. His only reaction to these cruel actions was a simple "thank you", infuriating the whites at Central High, declaring "only the warrior exists in me now." Melba went into hiding. (246). This shows the effect that Gandhi's non-violent form of protest had on her. It's a significant excerpt from the memoir, it really was sad to think about, but Melba's innocence was completely lost at this point. She becomes alienated by her actions, as if she is some sort of strange, emotionless being. She is hated by white people for the color of her skin and has now lost many friends because of her reactions to violence; just take the hits. On her sixteenth birthday, a day she constantly dreamed of as a teenager, she ended up finding herself completely alone to celebrate; a day that ends in tears. Melba wanted to highlight the consequences that she personally suffered because of this “victory” of integration. She didn't want readers to get the impression that the war on racial equality had ended in Little Rock simply because of the city's new integration policies. She wanted people to know that there was a young girl who came home from school with rotten eggs in her hair, bruises and bloodstains on her uniform, every day. It's a tough pill to swallow, realizing that you can no longer be a stupid, naive child. To realize that you fully embody the characteristics of a warrior and no matter how hard you try, you cannot return to living in a world that you always imagined to be perfect; a world where we could live without worries. Over time, Governor Faubus decided that the only way to move in the opposite direction of desegregation was to completely close all schools in Little Rock. Melba didn't let this get in the way of her education and decided to move to Santa Rosa, California. Even after all the cruelty and neglect she suffered, she decides to attend San Francisco State University, a school dominated by white students. This simply shows Melba's desire for equality and the eternal flame she brings to the movement. Melba says, “ reminded me of the forbidden segregation fences in Little Rock. » (310). She felt it was her duty to take action and attend college in order to leave a lasting impression. In Santa Rosa, she lived with the McCabes, a white family who volunteered to take her in. Although initially frightened by the idea of ​​living in a white family, they all learned to love each other very quickly. She then said, “To this day, I call them mom and dad and visit them to bask in their love and enjoy the privilege of being treated as if I was their daughter.” (308). She acknowledges that although white segregationists caused so much suffering, it was white people who helped her overcome many of the obstacles in her life. Melba states, “Without the help of other law-abiding white people who risked their lives, I would not be here to tell this story” (309). Melba displays her immense heart and character, she shows that she was not ignorant. Never feel hatred or resentment towards the white race as a whole, but realize that there is good and bad in every individual. She specifically recognizes the efforts of Link and Danny, two white men who saw an opportunity to help the cause and.