
  • Essay / A Thousand Splendid Suns - 899

    The novel A Thousand Splendid Suns explores the plight of women in Afghanistan; the focus is on three women Nana, Mariam and Laila. In Afghanistan, women often face difficult and unfortunate situations. In this essay, we will look at some of these unfortunate situations for women. Let's start with Nana Mariam's mother. Nana becomes pregnant and is kicked out of her current home. “The wives demanded that he chase her away” (Hosseini 6). Her father disowns her. "Nana's own father, who was a modest stonemason in the nearby village of Gul Daman, disowned him. Dishonored, he packed up his belongings, never to be seen or heard from again"(6). She lives the rest of her life in a small cabin while Mariam's father lives in a mansion. “And so your father built us this shithole”(9). She lives her life as a single mother. Her only chance to marry was destroyed by an attack. "The wedding dress was hidden. After that, there were no more suitors"(10). Now let's look at Mariam's fate. He is denied the opportunity to go to school. "What's the point of educating a girl like you? It's like making a teaspoon shine." She lives with a cruel mother. "You're a clumsy little harami. This is my reward for everything I've endured. A clumsy little harmi and breaking my legacy"(4). She has a neglectful father. "Mariam kept thinking about his face in the upstairs window. He let her sleep in the street. In the street. Mariam cried as she lay down"(35). Her mother commits suicide and Mariam blames herself. "Stop it. These thoughts are not good, Mariam jo. Do you hear me, child? Not good. They will destroy you. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault no." Mariam nodded, but as desperately as she wanted to, she couldn't believe it."(44). She is forced to marry a man she doesn't love. "I don't want to," Mariam said. She looked at Jalil. “I don’t want that. Don't make me."(47). She is sent to live in a foreign town where she knows no one. She has a physically abusive husband. "Then he left, leaving Mariam spitting up rocks, blood and the fragments of two broken molars" (104). Her husband is cruel and says hurtful words to her. She can't do anything right in his eyes. When he ignores her, he is verbally or physically violent towards her..