
  • Essay / Charles Darwin Research Paper - 715

    Charles Robert Darwin was born to Robert and Susannah Darwin in Shrewsbury, Shrosphire, England on February 12, 1809. Like many famous scientists of his time, Charles was born in a wealthy family consisting of Charles, his parents and five brothers and sisters. Charles' father, Robert, was a doctor in Shrewsbury. On the other hand, Susannah, Charles' mother, did not work and was supported by Charles' father. Before going to university, Charles worked as an apprentice to his father and then decided to attend medical school at the University of Edinburgh. While studying in Edinburgh, Charles neglected his studies, which eventually disconcerted his father, who forced him to send Charles to Cambridge University to become a preist. Although Charles' father sent him to another university, Charles's poor study habits persisted; he preferred participating in non-school events and activities rather than studying. Darwin completed his studies at Cambridge and did well in his final exam, earning him his bachelor's degree. After graduating from college, Charles was offered a position on the HMS Beagle to go on a voyage to map the coast of South America. Charles was quick to say yes because of his fascination with nature and travel. Charles turns to his father to pay for his trip as it is a self-funded trip. Robert did not like the idea of ​​his son going on a two-year voyage and claimed that Charles would waste his time mapping the coastline and observing the animals and the South American landscape. Robert was quickly convinced and agreed to finance Charles' trip. The journey did not begin until December due to numerous delays and took just under five years. During its years of writing, it took the Church approximately forty-five years for the majority of society to accept it. Although most of them were religious, all of Darwin's evidence as well as that of other scientists was too difficult to say no to. Charles Darwin discovered many species and developed the theory of evolution, which changed the way the world viewed the origin of species. During his short life of seventy-three years, Charles Darwin managed to change the way society viewed the origin of our existence and life itself. Mr. Darwin's courage to publish his work was an act of valor because of the incalculable risks involved in publishing work that completely goes against religion, which at the time was a crucial part of the lives of many people. Charles' discoveries led many people to question whether they were created by God himself or were the product of nature and evolution..