
  • Essay / Pacifist vs. Pacifism - 999

    Pacifism has been understood as a non-belief in any kind of violence. Being a non-pacifist, I believe that killing other human beings is not always wrong. Most people think that we don't have a choice between being pacifists or not. Everyone has the right to participate in war. Although being a pacifist and not a pacifist can be very contradictory, many people have stated that those who oppose pacifism are saying that the world is not perfect. Disbelieving in pacifism has received a lot of political and military support, compared to believing in pacifism where violence and war are unnecessary. Not being a pacifist has led to political support and social systems that support war. Opposing pacifism led to military protection from the United States. In the United States, every citizen has a duty to protect their citizens. It doesn't matter that pacifists are motivated by respect for human life and love of peace. Pacifists refuse to participate in the war, but people do not fulfill their important obligations. The United States was founded on war. In 1771, people believed in their individual freedom, then Britain came and removed the colonist. The colonist attempted a peaceful protest against Britain, but resulted in a historic event called the Boston Massacre. Five settlers died in the event and none had a weapon in their hands. The settlers tried to be pacifist for years, but it got them nowhere. The colonists understood that the only option they had was to fight for their freedom and they did so. This won them a major victory and America was born. Being a pacifist means believing that war and violence are unjustifiable. Proponents of pacifism believe that it is more of an international organization than a...... middle of paper ...... oriented towards peace. Proving that being a pacifist does not necessarily mean that war is unacceptable, it can also mean bringing peace from a different perspective. Being a non-pacifist believer can be a good thing. Being a non-pacifist had great political and military support, compared to believing in pacifism where violence and war are unnecessary, showed the two differences between the two beliefs. Oddly enough, being non-pacifist has contributed to the security of this country as well as its stability. There have been so many historical events in history that have shown us the pros and cons of each belief. “Pacifism should not be confused with opposition to a particular war, or even with opposition to American foreign policy as a whole. These are two separate issues. stated in the article, describes how we are not the only ones who believe in non-pacifism.