
  • Essay / Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - 967

    Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet was a tragedy, but it didn't have to be. Many things could have been done to prevent their deaths. Many characters contributed to their deaths. The only person responsible for their deaths is Brother Lawrence. Brother Lawrence is responsible for the lovers' deaths because he was secretive with their relationship, he was unable to communicate effectively, and he had a cowardly character. Friar Lawrence thought it was a good idea to keep Romeo and Juliet's relationship a secret. He didn't know that this would be the cause of their death. Brother Lawrence said to Romeo when he agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet: "Come, young hesitant, come, come with me, on one point I will be your assistant, for this alliance can so happily prove to your house the resentment towards pure love » (II. iii. 83-93). Brother Lawrence believed he was doing the right thing. He thought that if he married Romeo and Juliet, he would end the feud between the two families. Instead of saying no, that he won't marry them and that they should wait, brother should have warned both their parents of what the lovers were planning. He simply decided to marry them even though they had only known each other for a few hours and without their parents' consent. Another time when Brother Lawrence kept Romeo and Juliet's relationship a secret, which then led to their deaths, was after Romeo killed Tybalt and was banished, then later Lord Capulet decided to accept Paris's request to marry Juliette. Juliette went to Brother Laurent and he told her this after she threatened to kill herself. “Wait, girl. I see a kind of hope, which cries out as desperately as an execution as that which is desperate, which we would prevent... if You had the...... middle of paper ......ents and took the potion. If the brother had done this, Romeo and Juliet would probably be alive. It is this decision that caused these deaths. If the brother showed intelligence, reflected and resisted his mistakes, Romeo and Juliet would not have died. Brother Laurent is responsible for the deaths of the lovers, because he was secretive, did not communicate well and he was a coward. It had the potential to stop everything and prevent deaths. If he had only thought about things through Romeo and Juliet, he would have survived. The death of Romeo and Juliet rests solely on the brother's shoulder. The brother organized everything that happened and created a huge mess that could have been avoided. Of course, other characters contributed to these deaths, but Brother Lawrence is the biggest contributor. Works Cited Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare