
  • Essay / The arguments in favor of nuclear fusion - 806

    The arguments in favor of nuclear fusionCurrently, 80% of the world's energy is provided by fossil fuels. Wind and solar energy sources are unlikely to completely replace fossil fuels in coming decades due to infrastructure concerns. A decline in global energy supplied by oil from 2012 and 2014 (Chris) is also expected. Due to these circumstances, more research needs to be conducted into alternative forms of energy production in order to meet energy demand as countries industrialize and their populations increase. Despite claims that nuclear fusion will not be realized in practice, research into nuclear fusion should be increased because it is not harmful to the environment, contains almost unlimited fuel, and is inherently safe. Fusion energy produces no greenhouse gases or long-lived radioactive products, making it a very clean energy source. According to the article “Safety and Environment”, “fusion energy produces no greenhouse gases (GHGs) or other air pollutants during its operation”. There is a growing desire for things, like cars and businesses, to become environmentally friendly or “green.” The fact that fusion energy would not generate greenhouse gases is a huge advantage. Furthermore, according to the same article, "SEAFP concluded that the merger has very good inherent safety qualities, including... no production of long-lived, highly radiotoxic products." Radiotoxic products produced by nuclear fission pose a major environmental problem due to the storage required. Fusion is much more environmentally friendly than fission because it does not contain these products. Fusion energy is also inherently safer than other forms of energy production, such as fission. As mentioned, fusion produces no nuclear waste in the long term. I...... middle of paper ...... hat problem. Works Cited Chris. “Can renewable energies replace fossil fuels? GetRealList. Np, and Web. November 10, 2012. Flakus, Franz-Nikolaus, John C. Cleveland, and TJ Dolan. “Nuclear fusion: targeting security and environmental objectives.” IAEA BULLETIN. Np, and Web. November 16, 2012. “Fusion Energy.” Culham Center for Fusion Energy. Np, and Web. November 15, 2012..Hickman, Leo. "Fusion Power: Is It Getting Close?". » The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, August 23, 2011. Web. November 30, 2012."Safety and environment." Euratom Nuclear Research - Fusion. Np, and Web. November 12, 2012.environment/index_en.htm>.