
  • Essay / 1984 by George Orwell - 833

    1984, by George Orwell, is a novel that is ultimately about a totalitarian form of government and the negative aspects it imposes on society. Readers see clearly that George Orwell opposes this form of government because it limits not only freedoms, but also the very idea of ​​freedom. The idea of ​​pure freedom is shattered as we see the protagonist's mission to overthrow Big Brother fail. Maybe Big Brother wasn't even real. However, the fear that this imaginary person/organization imposed on society was real. Winston Smith, the protagonist, feels like the only person who sees what Big Brother is doing to society: monitoring its every move, limiting its freedoms, lying to the news, and distracting people from the real issues at hand. The underlying problem was that Big Brother was trying to instill fear in people so they wouldn't rebel. Fear was his tool to take control of society. I believe this book was the result of George Orwell's premonition about the future; this book was a warning, but that warning was and still is ignored. The government discussed in 1984 is very similar to modern American government in that corruption is abundant. It is said that the United States of America is the land of the free and we are the most civilized and least corrupt country compared to other countries. This is a mistake. Although corruption in our government may not be as great as in other countries, it still exists. Our government is just an expert at keeping secrets. Americans think we enjoy privacy and freedom, but those assumptions are slowly starting to dissipate. After the huge incident that happened this year in the middle of a newspaper... attacking things they don't believe in, like minimum wage and GMOs. Instead of blaming the president, how about we elect who goes back to Congress, because Congress sets most of the rules. My fear is that one day the government will try to take over everything. It may not seem like it today, but people need to look at the signs. People are not being dramatic when they say that money is the root of all evil. Some people in government only care about money and will do anything to achieve their goals. As a people, we deserve to have freedom. Yes, it should be limited for security reasons, but to the extent that it limits our natural rights and our right to know what is happening. I don't want the country to succumb to government like Winston Smith did. We must open our eyes before this “democracy” turns into autocracy..