
  • Essay / Divorce - 1800

    Divorce is viewed differently by many people. Sometimes this is due to experiences, what others have said, or studies that aren't always accurate. However, not everyone can have the same opinions about marriage ending in divorce. In the article “No Easy Answers: Why Popular Opinion on Divorce is Wrong” by Constance Ahrons, she outlines her views on divorce. Ahrons believes that divorce has no long-term harmful effects on children (65). Divorce can affect the children in the family, but how decisions are made is what will change how children are influenced. First, opposing views say that divorce can make a child feel like their life will never be the same. . On the other hand, this is not a very substantiated assertion. One thing that is commonly stated about divorce is that once two married parents with children decide to divorce, they are no longer a family (66). Even though they don't live together in the same house, that doesn't mean they aren't still a family. No matter what, parents will always be bonded to each other because of the children. Isn’t that the definition of a family? Additionally, it is assumed that if people are married with children, they are an ideal family. This is not the case, if the marriage does not work and only causes problems between parents and children, that is not considered a family either. . Divorce does not cause children to lose their families, but rather helps to repair them. Additionally, people say that children feel like their lives will have to change dramatically because: They will have to lose one of their parents. Divorce does not mean that children will abandon their relationship with one of their parents. Some divorces can be like... middle of paper... quite small or large, but in all cases the child is changed in some way. Regardless of how people view divorce, there is no wrong view. Ultimately, the effects are rarely long-term on children. In conclusion, divorce is an extremely diverse topic, and it will be viewed differently by many individuals based on their experiences. Sometimes divorce can be the best thing for the couple as well as the child. If a marriage exists only for the child, it could affect them just as much as a divorce (65). Results regarding the severity of the effects on a child after a divorce may vary. It all depends on how the parents handle the divorce; the decisions and choices they choose to make will change how the child is affected. Ultimately, “you can choose to see your family as reorganized, or you can choose to see it as broken ».” (62).