
  • Essay / Arguments Against Business - 542

    To begin this argument, we look at the definition of business. Business is an activity that one, two or more people carry out to produce and circulate goods and (or) services for the well-being, comfort and happiness of people and society as a whole while achieving profits. Businesses are good for society and this can be seen in the following paragraphs. Good businesses produce goods and services for society that increase people's well-being and make their daily lives easier. This is a good thing because these companies will have an increase in the number of customers and therefore will make a lot of profit, which overall will help the economy of that country which will get better companies and the cycle will continue. Businesses also contribute to employment, particularly in third countries. countries in the world where unemployment is commonplace. When there are more businesses, there are more workers, which contributes to the well-being of society and grows the country's economy. A good economy means better living conditions for the citizens of this country. Businesses also help fulfill passion....