
  • Essay / Research Essay - 843

    Chapter 3 Research MethodologyIn this chapter, the philosophy of science, the research approach, the data collection method and the target group are described.Research PerspectiveThe underlying perspective This research arises from so-called interpretative research see. “Interpretive” refers to the method of observation. The specific situation is described using concepts and themes from the research area. In line with the research question, the processes and relationships examined in this study focus on how employees make sense of and deal with the problems and contradictions that characterize them. are revealed in their daily activities linked to the reorganization. Ultimately, the findings, analyzes and conclusions form an interpretation within a specific period of time of organizational reality. Qualitative Research Within the interpretive approach, preference is often given to qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is a broad concept that encompasses many different approaches and movements. Generally speaking, they aim to describe, interpret and explain the behaviors, experiences and perceptions of the people involved by methods that disturb the natural environment as little as possible. Qualitative research assumes that people make sense of their environment and act based on that sense. Because it is a matter of experience, interpretation and meaning, personal contact with respondents is essential. In general, these concepts are difficult to quantify. The researcher must actually go into the field to discover middle of paper ...... new themes that were used in subsequent conversations. The interviews took place in a location isolated from the respondent's workplace and each lasted approximately one hour. Conducting the interviews meant that the respondents were taken out of their normal work situation. For some, this has been awkward or difficult. The researcher tried to make it as clear as possible what the interview would be like and what was expected of the respondent. The interviews were all confidential. In total, 9 interviews were carried out with the Notary's notaries and notary candidates. The researcher was aware of their involvement in the reorganization and therefore contacted them for an interview. The researcher also interviewed 15 clients of the Notary.