
  • Essay / The importance of sex education for children and adolescents

    Why does society treat sex as something abnormal and impure, while the general population does not expect the marriage to have sex. In fact, most Americans will be sexually active before marriage. The negative connotation of sex makes it difficult to teach sex education in schools. From an adult's point of view, it's about not wanting to persuade teenagers to become sexually involved, and to form the teenager's point of view, it's about being comfortable enough to ask questions and remember information. Although there is no solution to the problem, society knows that some form of sex education is necessary. The process of implementing an effective way to teach sex education is an ongoing problem, but an app that allows students to voice their questions and find information about sex can improve mental health, decrease early pregnancy rates and decrease the risk of sexual acts. Communicable diseases are the solution. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essayTo start with the context of sex education, it can be defined as “the provision of information about bodily development, sex, sexuality and relationships, as well as building skills to help young people communicate and make informed decisions about sex and their sexual health. Schools have been held responsible for the sex education of students for many decades. What kind of curriculum should be taught is an argument people can't seem to agree on. Overall, we can agree that sex is an issue that needs to be addressed, but it is how it is discussed. The three main sex education programs are abstinence-only, abstinence-first, and comprehensive. Each one is different in its own way, but they are all implemented to give answers to curious teens. Abstinence-only programs focus on waiting until marriage to have sex. People generally approve of this program because it does not go into detail about sexuality and, according to them, it delays sexual intercourse in adolescents. The acceptance that this program delays sex is false: "No abstinence-until-marriage program has been shown to help adolescents delay the initiation of sex or protect themselves when they begin having sex. sexual relations. » Therefore, this program does nothing to benefit teens other than giving them little information on how to accurately approach sex. This leaves them uneducated or more likely to make the mistakes adults fear. Abstinence-only programs are along the same lines as the abstinence-only program, but the information is covered in a little more depth. The information isn't as vague, but every time it's presented, the only 100% effective way to not get pregnant is abstinence. This is not a problem, but the lack of information given to adolescents in this program hinders their right to be fully informed to protect themselves. Abstinence-only programs are as harmful to society as abstinence-only programs. If the program does not offer everything you need to know, it is an injustice to the students. Comprehensive sex programs are the most comprehensive programs, they teach according to age. material on topicsgeneral, including topics on contraceptives and condoms. The problem with this program is that some parents are uncomfortable with their children learning about sexuality, for fear that it will increase the rate of sexual initiation. In fact, according to Grunseit, Aggleton, and Kippax (1997), students have delayed sexual initiation due to fear of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Additionally, the government will not fund comprehensive sexuality programs due to the ban on teaching adolescents about the benefits of contraceptives and condoms, making schools reluctant to teach this method of sex education. This especially applies to schools located in low-poverty areas that need government assistance because they do not have the funds to operate on their own. Since they have no donors or sponsors. The combination of low GPA and high levels of academic poverty was particularly detrimental to students' knowledge of sexual health. Inadequate sex education is even worse for students in low poverty. Rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are high in poor areas due to lack of sex education. of education. When a child is born into poverty, it is likely that they will remain in that social class throughout their life. This perpetuates the cycle of family poverty. Additionally, most children who attend schools in low-income neighborhoods are black and Hispanic children. Hispanic teens have the highest pregnancy rate, followed by black teens. Even with the decline in pregnancies, these two groups remain the highest among all other racial groups. Sex education informs adolescents about how to approach sex and handle it safely. When researched, the main concerns of adults not wanting sex education were pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and early sexual initiation, which either improved or were not affected by an effective sex education program. The more students are educated about sexuality, the less likely they are to make the mistakes that worry adults. Condoms and contraceptives combat pregnancies and STD/STI rates, and studies have shown that sex education also has no effect on delaying sexual initiation. Additionally, effective sex education can also improve mental health. Teens who identify with the LGBTQ+ community often don't learn the sex education that applies to them. This can make them feel even more excluded and leave them ignorant, this is an area they will also take part in. Programs that apply to this community will help them be better prepared and allow outsiders to understand them better instead of clinging to stereotypes and assumptions. The more students outside of the LGBTQ+ community understand, the less likely they will be bullied based on misconceptions. Gender identity is something that many people don't understand, it's when someone feels like they fit the opposite sex more than their gender. biological sex, or they don't want to identify with a specific gender at all. People who identify as transgender often face a lot of harassment because people don't understand their choice. We are told that there are only two genders even though 1.7% of the population is born intersex, meaning they have both male and female sexual organs. Although 1.7% doesn't seem like a lot, that's about 1.24 millionpeople within the population. There are students in classrooms who meet the intersex criteria and the government should limit sex education, when it comes to people who do not fit social norms. Additionally, sexual orientation is a factor in sex education because gender is not just female and male. Regardless of beliefs, the LGBTQ+ community is plentiful and needs to be looked after as well. Although pregnancy is not a problem in this situation, sexually transmitted diseases and infections are. They also deserve to be educated enough to protect themselves from diseases. In 2014, “gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases for which the sex of the sexual partner was known in the United States,” this figure could decrease if all the communities were sufficiently educated. about sex to understand the risks and practice it safely. Adolescents outside of the LGBTQ+ mental health community can also benefit from adequate sex education programs. Many teenagers feel like they can talk to their parents about sex, or that their parents won't talk to them about it. This causes teens to turn to their peers and the media to answer questions they have, allowing them to receive inaccurate information that could hurt them later. An application geared towards sex education will allow teenagers to find precise information when they feel like they cannot talk to their parents. One of the first things that comes to mind when we talk about teenagers and sex is pregnancy. Teen pregnancy rates are decreasing every year, although researchers aren't sure about this, they think it's because teens are abstaining from sex longer or using more birth control methods . According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), in 2010, teen pregnancies accounted for approximately $9.4 billion in taxpayer dollars due to increases in health care and foster care. If children of teenage parents end up in foster care, it only continues the cycle of teenage pregnancies. Girls who are in the foster care system are twice as likely to become pregnant as girls who are not. The end of the cycle must begin with proper education, without which the country is just repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Technological advancements have not gone unnoticed and schools are starting to use technology more and more over the years. Electronic devices such as computers, cell phones and tablets are increasingly common on high school campuses. Teachers use technology, such as interactive apps, to make the lesson more enjoyable for students, or to revise them for a test. An app that mimics an interactive game can be effective in helping teach sex education. The application will consist of a teacher having a code which will give access to her students, so that they can access a private discussion forum. On this discussion board there will be categories that are part of the sex education curriculum, each category will consist of facts that the students want to know, or that the teacher wants them to know. Additionally, within this discussion forum there will be an anonymous teacher message box, this will allow students to ask any questions they have without.