
  • Essay / Islamic State: Origin, Structure, and Goals

    Table of ContentsIntroductionOrigin, Structure, and GoalsConclusionIntroductionIn this project, I will discuss "ISIS", which is a Salafi jihadist militant group and former unrecognized proto-state that follows a Salafi fundamentalist. doctrine of Sunni Islam. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay This organization did not create a new group, almost many people were already former members of Al-Qeuda ( 2004). These were trained fighters with over a decade of battlefield experience. Leaders: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (real name Ibrahim Al-badri, also known as Abu douaa), Abu Ayman Al-Iraqi (in reality, he leads the fighters of this organization and is also a member of the council military), Abu Ahmed Al-Alwani (the real name of this person is Waleed Jassem Al-Alwani, also a member of the military council).Origin, structure and objectivesGroups allied to Isis:Pakistan: Jandullah, shahidulah shahid group, Tehrik-e- Khilafat. Afghanistan: Salafist Taliban. Libya: Ansar Al-Shariah. Indonesia: Abu Bakar Bashir. Nigeria: Boko Haram. Uzbekistan: Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). Egypt: Gamah Islamiyah. Philippines: Ansar Bait-ul-Maqdis. Sources of income: oil and extortion. Kidnapping (many journalists have been kidnapped and seriously killed by this organization). Theft (according to different estimates, in June 2014, between 900 million and 2 billion dollars were stolen by armed men 'a branch of the Central Bank of Iraq). According to the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, one billion dollars represents the annual income from the transportation of heroin from Afghanistan to Europe. The United States and the Middle East are the two main targets of this Organization. One of ISIS's messages to the United States is: "We will drown you all in blood." It is evident that on the morning of January 7, 2015, two ISIS militants entered the Charlie Hebdo building and killed 11 people and injured 11 others. Paris attack: November 13, 2015, terrorist attack in Paris, 130 people were killed and 368 injured, 80 to 90 were seriously injured. And seven terrorists were killed during these actions. Reasons behind the Paris attack: France is participating more in Africa to fight against JIHAD. The French anti-Jihad operation in Mali. France is the most interventionist power in the Western world. Syria being a Sunni majority country, led by Shiite President Bashar al Assad since 2000 and even before him, Syria was ruled by his father Hafez al-Assad from 1971. The civil war started in 2011 and this gave Turkey the opportunity to allow a southern border with Syria so porous that it offered ISIS and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front what amounted to a logistical safe zone. In March 2013, it took control of the Syrian city of Raqqa, the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control. Iran-backed Hezbollah is pro-Assad. Russia continues its airstrikes against IS in northeast Syria. The Saudi and Qatari governments. finance Sunni militias to fight against Assad. Even the United States is calling for Assad's resignation rather than regime change, because it saw his failure in Iraq. US-backed Syrian rebels have also begun advancing towards the IS stronghold, the city of Raqqa in northern Syria. ISIS and IRAQI emerged from what was AQI, which was formed by Sunni militants after the 2003 US-led invasion and became a major force in the..