
  • Essay / Discover transphobia and the concepts behind it

    Transphobia is an intense aversion, sometimes even hatred, or prejudice towards transsexual or transgender people. Transphobic people often disagree with non-transphobes over the number of genders in the world, believing that there are only 2. Such values ​​are often rationalized by religion or religious beliefs and can therefore lead to a debate between religions, but as I say We will discuss this later in my article, the theory of transphobia is not a debate between religious beliefs. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay The idea of ​​genital determinism is prevalent in most societies, but it is quite controversial among many. Tumblr is a major modern way of spreading transphobia, since most of the controversies and misgenres created originate from this website. Many of these genres are created as jokes, traveling around the internet, until it offends someone and sparks hatred towards these "fake" genres. Although this is how it is formed today, the original philosophy of transphobia began when people felt offended by the idea that there were other genders. This leads them to offend transgender people or their supporters, who in turn direct their hatred towards transphobes. This is a vicious cycle that is of little help to anyone except in policy making, when the decision must be made to either benefit the greatest number or harm the fewest. . Some consider transphobia to be a lot like homophobia, and in part this is true, because many transphobic people are also homophobic and vice versa for the same reasons. But make no mistake, these two philosophies are very different. Transphobia is aimed at those who are unaware of their gender or who are confused about their gender, as many transphobes claim, in other words, those who are or claim to be neither male nor female, but somewhere in between. But homophobia is aimed at those who claim that their sexual orientation is that of their own gender. Although these issues may be closely related and overgeneralized to the LGBT community, they are separate topics. One of the core beliefs of transphobia is gender essentialism. Gender essentialism is that men and women are anatomically different, for example that they have different sex organs and chromosomes, and that men and women even have different lobes in their brains. Gender essentialism perpetuates the idea that transgender people don't exist for transphobes because they believe there are no defining characteristics for transgender people, but there are defining characteristics for genders “real”. Thus, transgenders and transsexuals do not actually exist physically, but rather they are an imaginary construct of the mind. Extreme transphobes would even say that believing one is a different gender than the one they were born into is suffering from a serious mental illness. Another concept of transphobia is genital determinism. To them, the concept of gender fluid or gender queer is completely incorrect, claiming that biology, not psychology, defines a person's gender. In a sense, society considers this to be okay because when a baby is born, a doctor says something along the lines of congratulations on your new baby girl or boy. They assume the sex of the child because they understand the biology, but this can sometimes offend the..