
  • Essay / The Hunger Games Essay - 639

    One of the greatest books of the 21st century, The Hunger Games has captured the imagination of people around the world. It was the first book in the popular Hunger Games trilogy. The Hunger Games takes readers on an adventure as they fall in love with this exceptional book's main character, Katniss Everdeen. This thrilling book opens until the eve of the harvest; which is a selection process for the upcoming 74th Hunger Games. The twelve districts must choose a male and female representative. Unfortunately for Katniss, her younger sister Prim is chosen. As soon as she is chosen, Katniss volunteers in her sisters' place without any idea of ​​what awaits her. Peeta Mellark, a soft-spoken, passionate baker, is next cast as the male representative. Katniss remembers a time when Peeta saved her life by throwing a loaf of burnt bread at her. Soon, the two men bid farewell to their families and leave for the capital on the high-speed train. There, they meet their drunken guide Haymitch, the only person to survive the Hunger Games from District Twelve. Haymitch is used to his tributes dying so he doesn't bother to give much advice to Katniss or Peeta. The only advice he gives them is to run as soon as the horn sounds. Once they arrive at the capital, Katniss meets her stylist, Cinna, who designs her dress for the opening ceremony. When introduced at the opening ceremony, Katniss and Peeta stand out from the other tributes with their beautifully designed outfits. The next day, the tributes must show off their skills in order to receive a high score from the judges. During all this madness, Peeta develops an attraction to Katniss. Finally the time comes...... middle of paper ...... a change in the rules, now if there are two people alive from the same district, they both win. She then goes to get Peeta, and when she does, he is badly injured and can barely walk. She takes him to a cave and thinks he might die so she kisses him. Peeta's leg was getting infected quickly, so she had to do something. She then hears another announcement, this time saying that each tribute will find an item they desperately need at the Cornucopia. She then goes there to find medicine to treat her leg. At the Cornucopia, Katniss attempts to run and retrieve the item marked for District 12, but she fights with a female tribute. The tribute is about to kill her when Thresh, the male tribute from District 11 who came to the Games with Rue, kills the girl instead. He spares Katniss because of the way she treated Rue, and Katniss returns to the cave..