
  • Essay / Reflection on the Human Development Course - 1530

    Concepts, theories, etc. of human development allow me to better understand why people act in different types of situations. Make me appreciate more the value of taking a human development course. In Bronfenbrenner's concept of ecological systems, they have played a huge role in shaping my character, values, etc., to make me a better person now that I still appreciate them. For example, in my mesosystem to force myself to be more religious because I studied in a Catholic school. So far, I have become a more religious person and am making more friends, which helps me build my confidence in my social activities. Additionally, my microsystem made me more independent because from a young age I started getting help with household chores, which helps me to be my base in the real world. Only a few people will be able to help us. To this day, Bronfenbrenner's concept of ecological systems endures as I grow and helps me become more successful in the real world. In my early childhood, when I started school, I was always crying and my parents couldn't leave. me at all. They used positive reinforcement which results in something good. To keep me alone at school, they always brought me my favorite ice cream. However, my parents had financial problems. They couldn't afford to buy me my favorite ice cream, so they decided to use negative reinforcement, which means taking away something bad. They started hitting me on the butt, with a big bamboo stick, when I refused to stay alone in my school. I forced myself to stay in my school so as not to be affected. Using positive and negative reinforcement taught me so many life lessons that I was able to use in my job as a babysitter to discipline an 8 year old...... middle of paper... ...because of my identity, I have to have a good I got a good grade on the exam and my ego decides to get the answers to my friends' homework, which means cheating, but my superego says I might get in trouble if I get caught. However, I usually don't listen to my Superego at all. Over the few years I spent in high school, I became more successful and got good grades. But in middle school, it's totally different because they are stricter than in high school. Now I listen to my Superego to have more success in my academic life than what could help me in the real world to become a better person. In conclusion, the Human Development course is definitely worth taking because it helps most majors and even in the real world to be more successful and productive than ever before. Also, it makes people more open-minded and not ignorant when meeting different types of people of different ages..