
  • Essay / The Matrix Essay - 556

    The Matrix, Plato's Allegory of the Cave, and René Descartes' Meditation all share the fundamental issue of deception. They all wonder if the world we live in is real or if it is a figment of our imagination. Can we trust our minds or is there something greater controlling our perceptions? All articles discuss some type of thoughts and different meanings about life and how we perceive it. When comparing The Matrix with Plato's Allegory of the Cave, they both tell stories of characters where their experiences are like a dream or illusion. They were deceived by what they saw; they were deceived by their senses about the world they thought they lived in. The Matrix people are like the prisoners in the cave, they could only see what the machines, or the puppeteers, wanted them to see. Their knowledge was based solely on senses and experiences. Just because prisoners have never known the truth does not mean their perception of reality can be trusted. They both tell of two realities, one perceived and the other real. The Matrix shows how the mind can be manipulated and Plato's Al...