
  • Essay / Chapter 27 - 716

    I hope you all had a good Christmas/New Year. I made you this little gem a few days after Christmas and I thought it was the most opportune time to publish it. I hope you enjoy! That night I couldn't sleep. Dinner, as always, had been a happy affair filled with talking and drinking, but all I could focus on was Chrom's face, still filled with sadness over my rejection. "Bwah, he just needs to get over it..." and I tossed and turned in bed for hours before deciding that sleeping would be impossible that night and dressing in well-fitting clothes and a long cape. “Might as well be productive if I’m not sleeping.” castle, admiring it and questioning its aesthetic conception. Eventually my wandering led me to the courtyard outside the entrance. The gate was still open despite the late hour and I decided to take a walk outside the castle. I knew that walking around late at night could be dangerous, but I had my book with me and I would be close enough that if I made any noise, someone would definitely hear me. should I be worried? » "Tribly late for a walk, isn't it?" » I called a female voice. Although I had only heard the voice in cutscenes and a few brief conversations, I recognized the speaker as Lucina. "It depends. It might be early, you know." Lucina was wearing her mask again, despite the fact that we had "Why aren't you sleeping?" “I could ask the same thing.” Lucina looked up at the sky. "You saved Emmeryn. That should change the future, right?" his head towards me. The mask blocked me from seeing his face, but his voice was full of hope. “You claim to know so much, do you know the future?” I looked in the middle of the paper......the room was not empty. Sitting on my bed was none other than Lissa. She looked like she was having trouble staying awake, but she was awake and smiling nonetheless. “Hey Sane!” » She called sleepily. “Lissa?” What are you doing here? » Lissa smiled shyly. “I couldn't sleep. » I sighed. " Alright. I guess you want to sleep here for a bit then? » She nodded. “Alright, go ahead then. I'm the one in the bed here. » She buried herself under the covers and waited for me to climb into bed. When I did, she snuggled up to me. “Um…Lissa…?” Bwah, too bad…” I moved so that Lissa’s head was resting lightly on my shoulder and my arm was under her. It was light enough that my arm wasn't going to lose circulation anytime soon, and its size made it look like an overly large teddy bear. "Comfortable ?" “Uh hmmm.” She whispered. "All right. Good night Lissa. » “Good night Sane.”