
  • Essay / The concept of “design” and calculation in Pride and Prejudice

    The concept of “design” and calculation plays a prominent role in Pride and Prejudice. Design is used as an indicator of values, particularly in marriage, and presents the characters with a challenge to balance plot and morality in its use. From the first lines we can see the presence of design in the narrator's fervent declaration that "a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in need of a wife." The fact that Bingley is seen from the start as an object to be conquered indicates the predatory attitude of the society, which will use any means necessary to make things work according to its members' design. Mr. Bennet also references Mr. Bingley's "¹design in settling here (5)¹", making it clear from the opening of the novel that design is an influential part of this society. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayThis propensity for design has a basis. The characters live in a static financial situation. Since none of them work, there is no opportunity to gain money and power outside of design. The decline of accumulated family wealth, as the novel makes clear, is a central concern for individuals of the nobility. Social stigmas against work prevent these families from returning to the job market to make their fortune, and so a different strategy must be adopted. Marriage in this world is necessarily more of a business enterprise than a demonstration of love. Women in particular have no means of support outside of marriage, as they generally do not inherit the family fortune. We see this dilemma in the Bennetts' relationship with Mr. Collins, who inherits all of the family property, including the house, upon Mr. Bennet's death. Women in particular must therefore embark on a process aimed at finding a wealthy husband in order to provide for their own needs. The economic dimension of marriage is a key element of the role of design in the world of Pride and Prejudice. Certain design elements are considered good prudence, although a prudent woman should be careful to avoid the extreme behavior of a mercenary. On the other hand, a woman must ensure that she gives enough importance to the economic aspect and avoids a marriage that shows a complete lack of meaning and respect for her family and her future. We see that it is primarily women who conceive in this novel, as men inherit family wealth and care less about what to conceive. Charlotte presents the clearest example of someone acting in accordance with these financial security challenges. The entire Lucas family, facing a significant decline in their family wealth, has prudent interests in mind, believing that "Mr. Collins' current circumstances made him a most eligible match for their daughter, to whom they could give little fortune? Lady Lucas began directly to calculate how many more years Mr. Bennett was likely to live (103)." Driven by these interests for herself and her family, Charlotte plans to marry Mr. Collins. For this she uses methods such as when she "spied him from an upper window as he was walking towards the house, and immediately set out to meet him by chance in the driveway (102)." Mr. Collins can be seen as mercenary, but also shows caution given Charlotte's situation. A more clearly cold and calculating form of drawing is visible in Lady Catherine's dynastic ambitions.long for Darcy to marry his daughter to create a wealthy family dynasty. She extends this design over the lives of young people to include Elizabeth, with the aim of intimidating her from tempting Darcy with her "¹arts and seductions (which) can, in a moment of infatuation, make him forget what 'he owes it to himself and to all his family (285).¹" In order to maintain her family power, she must work to ensure the outcome of Mr. Darcy's marriage choice. Much of what Lady Catherine says has a certain moral weight. A choice regarding marriage in Pride and Prejudice affects entire families, rather than just the individual. This impact was clearly visible in Lydia's transgression and in the references made to the shame it would bring to everyone. her family Lady Catherine designs with this idea of ​​family interests in mind, but she goes too far and defines family interests in such a way as to justify her immoral attempt at power Miss Bingley also displays a cold and calculating design in her attempts. to represent Elizabeth. in a negative light for Darcy. She hopes that by securing Darcy's contempt for Elizabeth, she can then be free to cajole him into feeling greater affection for herself. This review highlights his purpose in his often desperate tone. She said, "As Eliza Bennett looks very ill this morning, Mr. Darcy, I never said in my life that anyone was as worn out as she has been since the winter. She has become so dark and coarse! (220),¹” and later “her eyes, which have sometimes been described as so beautiful? without fashion, which is intolerable (221). Miss Bingley's design, in its naivety, is clearly perceived by all the characters in the novel. On learning of Darcy's pre-engagement with Miss de Bourgh, Elizabeth smiles, thinking of her. poor Miss Bingley must indeed be all his attentions, vain and useless his affection for his sister and his praise of himself, if they were already intended for another (71) "The design in Pride and Prejudice n. 'is not only used in the name of prudence, but also in the name of sentiment. Darcy shows this when he plans to keep Bingley away from Jane. He does this by following him when he leaves town on business, and convincing him to stay there, "congratulating himself on having recently saved a friend from the inconveniences of a most imprudent marriage (153). » Although this has negative results and is an interference in the lives of others, the intentions were noble and he does not betray his character and fully admits his role, saying "¹I don't suppose she (the Bennett family ) would have ultimately prevented the marriage, had it not been seconded by the assurance that I did not hesitate to give, of your sister's indifference to persuade him not to return to Hertfordshire (164). least results from good intentions, it IS necessary for women to create to secure their future it is a social reality of the world in which the characters live The social structure makes it difficult to meet eligible husbands without one. certain design element, so that a set of social strategies for obtaining a husband develops, including strategic balls and visits. We see this when the Bennett women pressure Mr. Bennett to visit. Bingley at the beginning of the novel. As a young woman is unlikely to meet eligible men without these social tools, this is an acceptable form of design, the general idea being that if good things are to happen, an individual must organize the world to make it so. The challenge, however, is to employ these strategies without getting too immersed in theintrigues, then in deception, design elements. This is a distinction that Austen's characters struggle to make; secure their future without falling into the trap of mercenary conspiracy, and the true character of each individual can be judged by their ability and determination to avoid this trap. The existence of so many conceptions makes it difficult to truly assess people's character and feelings. which are presented in the novel. The characters live in uncertainty about the true nature and intentions of their acquaintances, especially regarding marriage. Those who possess wealth must be careful to determine the motives of their suitor. The characters in the novel largely depend on their appearance to judge character, but appearance can be used to hide the drawing underneath. Lizzy becomes suspicious that Darcy is plotting against her and uses her appearance and mannerisms to disguise her character. Wickham is the most deceptive character in the novel, using the advantage of his appearance to advance a plan to sully Mr. Darcy's name. Wickham also shows this mercenary design in his interest in Miss King, to whom he “paid not the least attention, until the death of her grandfather made her the mistress of that fortune (128). » Design can also demonstrate the quality of character of the designers themselves. Darcy uses good intrigue to try to save his friend and thus proves, through his design, his good character. Charlotte uses schemes, but does not deceive her character. Wickham, however, regularly resorts to deception for mercenary purposes. The type of design practiced by individuals shows their true “character” in a society in which everyone must design. This raises a key question:; does Lizzy herself design? We are given an idea of ​​this when she sees Pemberly and says "¹I could have been mistress! With these rooms I could now have made a familiar acquaintance (202)!¹" and immediately afterwards "thought of her (Darcy ) look with a deeper feeling of gratitude than he had ever aroused before? She wanted to know in what way he thought of her (205-207 Her behavior towards Darcy also changes when she is confronted with his). wealth; she is less sarcastic and more friendly towards him The narrator's closeness to Lizzy, however, gives weight to the interpretation that his reversal of feelings is genuine and that she is not simply giving in to his mercenary desires. and to modify his behavior in order to marry her The idea that Darcy's ownership and management reflect greater moral significance is put forward here to free her from suspicion of calculation. As a brother, owner, master, she considered how many people were happy under her tutelage? She thought of his gaze with a deeper feeling of gratitude than it had ever aroused before (205)." This can again be seen as the expression of a mercenary design to secure a man with such considerable power, but it seems clear that the purpose of this elaboration of Darcy's "noblesse oblige" is rather to credit Elizabeth with the deeper feelings that grounded her spirit transition: This is just a sample. now a personalized article from our expert writers Get a custom essay Speculations on design demonstrate the moral and social challenges of courtship raises a social challenge to ensure. careful marriage, as well as a moral dilemma about the place of feeling in marriage and the extent to which conception is acceptable Lizzy asks us./2872192)