
  • Essay / Baby Boomer Generation - 1066

    Baby boomers are the most powerful demographic group in history. Businesses thrive or fail based on their ability to keep pace with the likes and dislikes of that economic powerhouse known as the baby boomers. At 76 million strong, baby boomers have the influence to lead the market and ensure they maintain their place as the largest generation. Due to its large size, the baby boom generation has had a significant impact on society, business and the economy. The impact of this generation has been felt in all areas of consumer spending, from increased sales of baby products when they were young; to the growing demand for housing as they create their own homes; to the growth of retirement savings vehicles as they prepare to retire. Members of the Boomer generation share many characteristics, allowing businesses to target the group as a whole. But there is also considerable diversity. Baby boomers are more racially and ethnically diverse than older generations. Up-to-date consumer research helps companies target specific categories of baby boomers and develop products that take advantage of the changes occurring in this important generation. Tracking baby boomers, including their spending habits, voting preferences and annual incomes, has preoccupied demographic forecasters since this huge generation burst onto the scene in postwar America. There is no doubt that the approximately 78 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1965 still represent huge demographic segments of the market. Now in their fifties and prime years, the economic influence of the baby boomers is reaching its peak, and as in the past, the group continues to break the precedents set by earlier age groups: Baby boomers are...... middle of paper ...... parents who suffered deprivation during World War II and vowed to give their children what they did not have. As teenagers, they experienced the new freedoms and conveniences of the 1960s and 1970s, from civil rights to TV dinners to tuned American cars. Today, as adults, baby boomers must juggle adult responsibilities and face the prospect of growing old. Yet more than 70 percent consider themselves “young at heart.” Their attachment to youth culture impacts how baby boomers interact with products and services. Unlike previous generations, baby boomers are bridging the generation gap, tuning in to their children, listening to their type of music, and traveling with them. Baby boomers may be growing up, but as consumers, they are still young at heart. The big question mark for industry forecasters is what will happen in 10 years.?