
  • Essay / Songs That Describe Your Life: "If You're Going Through Hell"

    Table of ContentsIntroductionOne of the Songs That Describes My LifeLife's Struggles Reflected in the SongSurvival: Main Theme of the SongConclusionWork CitedIntroductionIf You Had to Choose a Song That Would Be used to describe or summarize your life, what song would it be and why would you choose that song? What songs describe your life? If I had to choose one song to play as the one that represents my life. I would choose to best describe my life as “If You're Going Through Hell” by Rodney Atkins. I think my choice of song gives multiple vivid examples of the issues as well as struggles I face. life, with the positive results that come with the obstacles I face in my life. The song “If You're Going Through Hell” by Rodney Atkins relates to my life in the way the musical score of the song reminds me to keep. a positive and optimistic attitude in life, regardless of the difficulties, such as my struggles and obstacles, my voids and vices, and reminds me that only the strong survive. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get an original essayOne of the songs that describes my lifeOne of the ways the song “If You're Going Through Hell” relates to my life is the fact that it depicts some of the struggles and obstacles that I face in my daily life. In the song "If You're Going Through Hell", Rodney Atkins quotes the following lyrics: "Well, you know those times when you feel like there's a sign on your back that says this doesn't mean Don't mind if you kick it. me, it seems like everyone has done it. (Atkins). This lyrical quote relates to me in these days, where I feel like I'm everyone's target. Even if these people don't have these intentions, it seems like the whole world is coming after you. An example of this lyrical quote in my life is one of those days that starts off badly as soon as you get out of bed. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed, just irritable and agitated for no reason. Someone says something you don't like or want to hear, and it makes you angry. For example, when someone is upset or having a bad day, I start to sense their hostility since I am the closest person to them. They tend to take out their frustration on me for no reason. Another way my life is connected to this song is just when I think life can't get any worse than it already is. Something can always come along and create even more havoc in my life. Plus, it would be one of those days where nothing seems to go as planned and you feel like you're having the worst day of your life. Something can always happen and make your day worse. For example, like the time in my life when I was late for school, I was angry because I knew I was going to get detention for lunch, but after I got to school , I realized that I had forgotten my lunch, my phone; I couldn't call home to get lunch. This would be a great example of when I thought things were so bad for me that my day couldn't get any worse. The song "If You're Through Hell" states. “Things go from bad to worse, you think they can’t get any worse than this, so they do.” (Atkins). It helps realize that you might think you're having the worst day or luck of your life, but it doesn't matter how bad it may seem. It can always be worse than it already is. It is perhapsbetter to keep a positive outlook on life and a positive attitude; things might get better. Life's struggles reflected in the song Additionally, the song parallels my life, and the problems as well as struggles. What I'm facing and how I choose to deal with it. The song gives a problem and a solution to some of the life difficulties that myself and others face in life. In addition to the vices that people use to fill the voids, these problems inflict on my life. Problems being emptiness and vices being the solution. A quote from the song that would sum up my life would be: “You go off the straight and narrow and you don't use the needle of your compass, right where you are, to stitch your heart back together broken.” (Atkins). The way these lyrics relate to my life is when I started in early high school. I had no real friends but lots of acquaintances, and I wasn't sure who I really was, so I started hanging out with the wrong people, it made me realize. That I was trying to be someone I wasn't. People tend to use vices to fill the voids in their lives. This tends to result from the problems they face in life. My first-hand experience of using vices to fill in the blanks would be when I was having trouble trying to fit in; I started smoking and taking actions to make others think. That I was like them so that they would accept me. Additionally, a vice I tried to fit into in high school was going to parties and surrounding myself with people who participated in illicit activities. The song “If You’re Going Through Hell” concerns me. By the way, choose to face life's struggles and obstacles. A way in which voids and vices belong to this song. It would be drinking to solve or what I thought I was solving. Some of the problems I faced in life. A way to escape from problems and struggles. I was facing life, with alcohol consumption. This turned out to cause even more problems for me later. A lyric quote from the song that would be used to better explain this would be "ask a genie in a bottle of Jim Beam for directions and she lies to you, that's when you learn the truth". (Atkins).Survival: Main Theme of the SongAnother way the song relates to my life is that I should never give up and what I must say to survive in this world. A lyric from the song states: “I've been deep in this darkness. I'm on my last match. I felt a hundred different demons breathing fire at my back, and I knew that if I tripped, I would fall straight into the trap. That they were in bed. (Atkins). These words mean that Rodney Atkins lived one of those days. Where could have been depressed, unwanted, pushed around and rejected. He felt like giving up, but he knew he couldn't give up. That it would show people who were trying to bring him down. That they had more power and control over him. An example of this quote would be when I was being bullied and pushed around. At my last college because I was the new kid from a different state. Like the time I was on a lunch break and one of the students in my class decided to roll down his window and throw his McDonald's trash from lunch at me. He knew I would be very upset, reactionary and violent in my response if he did this, so I decided to ignore the situation to avoid getting in trouble. Also, when I was in school and I was never invited to parties or weekend barbecues, the guys in class would attend because they didn't like the fact that I was from their hometown. Later,, 2006.