
  • Essay / Implementation of Web-Based Education in China

    The Rise of Web-Based Education in ChinaIn China, every year, millions of students attend universities and accept advanced education. However, the large number of college enrollments has become a major challenge for university English teaching due to large class sizes, breadth of teaching content, monotonous teaching methods and students with different levels of English proficiency. Students also found that they had almost no chance to practice their English in class to improve their English skills. At the same time, teachers also worry that they cannot meet the learning needs of students and the learning content takes too long. in class, causing students to be passive listeners. (Pu, 2010)Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay With the development of information technology, computer-assisted language learning became a trend for modern English teaching in the 1950s. As the Internet developed rapidly in Over the past two decades, the requirements for an English-based digital literacy innovation model have been increased for English teachers in Chinese universities. At the turn of the century, China began to follow the trend of using web-based CALL in university English teaching, and Chinese college English teachers also use this approach to solve problems that arise in teaching English in Chinese colleges. Especially in 2000, the Chinese Ministry of Education invested billions of money to establish the New Century College English CALL program, which expands online English learning in universities. As Holec (1981:3) was the first to define the concept of learner autonomy as "the ability to take charge of one's acquired learning", which has been the key concept of the last decade, while Benson and Voller (1997:5) stated that “in language learning, the promotion of autonomy is linked to educational developments”. learning to be independent has been encouraged by the “increasing role of technology in education” (Benson and Voller, 1997). The development of technology in education allows learners to work independently of their teacher, and learners can decide their own learning times and places, providing them with great scope for choice, flexibility and adaptability in the learning process. Motivation being the set of beliefs to encourage students to learn. Learners are motivated either by internal or external factors and can become independent and successful learners. Learning becomes more focused and focused, allowing students to learn more effectively through CALL. As web-based CALL creates a rich learning environment for learners and can help learners manage their time more effectively, learners can be motivated in web-based CALL and thus improve their learning skills. learning. -English majors promulgated and implemented, college English teaching should be transferred from a teacher-centered teaching model to a student-centered teaching model, from teaching only knowledge to teaching the application of knowledge. Thanks to the new teaching model based on Internet technology, learning autonomy has.