
  • Essay / Essay on the disappearance of bees - 713

    In Europe and even in China, populations of domestic bees are decreasing. This impacts everyone in the market. This affects how food gets to the table and how much it costs to get it there. Fresh produce will end up being fresh produce from across the ocean or fresh produce made in a lab. It wasn't until October 2006, when Hackenburg made the disappearance of its bees public, that anyone noticed that the bees were dispersing, but scientists still can't prove the exact cause to the CCD. In America, nothing has yet been done to help bees. Other countries, such as Europe, have at least attempted to maintain the current population of honeybees by changing a law banning certain types of pesticides, many of which are harmful to honeybees. The most important thing you can do to protect bees is to stop using pesticides that are harmful to important creatures like bees. Just like Europe did, ban chemicals that are harmful to bees, until their numbers start to increase. Another logical way to help the honey bee population is to provide a tax credit to people who decide to become beekeepers, because bees are very important to the U.S. economy.