
  • Essay / Psychoanalytic Analysis of “The Age of Innocence”

    In a society, there are often multiple unspoken rules that members must adhere to in order to fit in. When an individual begins to deviate from these rules, it can be difficult to understand why. In the novel The Age of Innocence, the aristocratic Newland Archer makes many decisions that are considered socially unacceptable, as well as many decisions that he makes reluctantly for the sake of appearances. Although they may be confusing to other members of society, these actions can be better understood after a psychological analysis using Sigmund Freud's theory of the ego, the id – in combination with Lacan's object petit a – and the superego. Freud's and Lacan's theories regarding the psyche reveal how the actions of an individual, like Newland, are motivated by the unconscious. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned"?Get the original essayNewland Archer, a product of the social world of old New York, repeatedly finds himself torn between his unconscious desires and his apparent obligations social. Newland is the epitome of the aristocratic man in New York society: he is financially well endowed, comes from respectable lineage, and is educated to the point where European art has become a common topic of conversation. As he grew up, he became intricately familiar with the rules of etiquette and manners that govern his society, such as his social obligation to one day marry an acceptable and pure woman. However, he feels “oppressed by this creation of artificial purity” (Wharton 25; ch. 5). While expectations of social conformity weighed on him throughout his upbringing, resulting in a privileged but dull childhood, he can't help but feel that there is something more to his stifling society (Bussey 3). The incompleteness and early helplessness of human beings often gives rise to a quest for satisfaction and fulfillment (Kirshner 83). Newland wants to be exposed to the full range of human experience, rather than just Faust operas and Skuytercliff vacations. Although Newland wishes to escape the confines of New York, he is reluctant to risk his appearance and reputation. As a result, Newland's structured environment and upbringing set the stage for his multiple acts of defiance against New York society, as well as his acts of conformity. Newland Archer's passionate affair with Countess Ellen Olenska, the black sheep of old New York, depicts his underlying desire for freedom and a change of pace. The id in Freud's tripartite psyche drives an individual to engage in impulsive acts of self-gratification (Lapsley and Stey 5). Due to Newland's vapid childhood, he desires something different from the society he has known his entire life. He finds his breath of fresh air with Ellen Olenska, who has just returned from the fascinating European continent. His experiences in Europe illustrate what Newland imagines he is missing, and he believes that being with Ellen will bring him the much-needed excitement his life was previously lacking in (Bussey 3). In Newland's society, Ellen is an outcast. She is surrounded by scandal following the breakdown of her previous marriage in Europe and does not conform well to accepted guidelines for young women – she even wore black over her white dress to the ball. Newland understands that a relationship with someone like Ellen is forbidden, but he cannot shake from his mind "the vision of a woman who had the face of Ellen Olenska" (Wharton 79; ch. 25). Newland's first major decision in the novel is to act on his infatuation and run away with Ellen to Europe, where they canrelieve themselves of their responsibilities and “just be two human beings who love each other” (Wharton 163; ch. 29). This decision is extremely impulsive given that his entire life, from the money he makes as a law firm associate to the mother and sister he adores, is rooted in New York. In fact, Newland's decision completely lacks a plan: he neither informed anyone of the decision nor made the necessary arrangements for its execution. Indeed, the id is not concerned with details but rather focuses on the quickest way to immediately satisfy an individual's unconscious desires (Lapsley and Stey 5). Although Newland's rash decision deviates from societal expectations, it can be explained as a desperate act of Newland's id, who desires Ellen and Europe because of the freedom from New York society they offer. Combined with Freud's id theory, Lacan's id theory of desire further explains Newland's infatuation with Ellen. Lacan's theory involves the object petit a, a fantasy that functions as the cause of desire (Kirshner 1). In relation to the novel, Ellen quickly becomes Newland's object petit a because she can offer him the change of scenery from New York society that he desires (Witherow). His ability to offer Newland a refreshing perspective is evident in New York's violent reaction to his return (Eby 97). But the most important aspect of the object petit a is that it always remains a fantasy. Newland pursues Ellen because of the polarity between her and his society, but he is often uncomfortable with the real difference between the two; his discomfort accentuates their differences and widens the gap that separates them. When Newland proposes his plan to run away with Ellen, she responds by asking him if she is supposed to live as his "mistress". The word "mistress" astounds Newland, who had rarely heard it uttered by women of his class. However, he notices how easily the word rolls off her tongue, and he wonders if its presence in her vocabulary is due to "the horrible life from which she had fled" (Wharton 163; ch. 29). When he recovers from the shock of this word, Newland explains that Europe's goal is that the two do not have to hide their relationship. The differences in background between the two are so great, from Newland's point of view, that he cannot find a way to equate Ellen with the position he currently holds in society. As a result, Newland sees Europe as the only feasible option. While Newland's pursuit of his object petit a is the result of his desire to be different, his retention of some of the old New York views he grew up with creates a great divide between him and Ellen that cannot be easily filled. The socially acceptable marriage to New York's golden girl, May Welland, is the result of his obedience to his superego. The superego, also known as the personality conscience for its ability to induce guilt, is a result of family life and provides moralistic goals (Lapsley and Stey 6). Old New York is governed by a “superego” voice. Members of New York society are repressed by this voice but unknowingly support it (Witherow). While Newland recognizes that marriage is a "tedious combination of material and social interests" and is reluctant to marry May, he pursues his marriage in order to satisfy his family and society (Wharton 196; ch. 34). In society's eyes, May is the epitome of a desirable wife: she is wise, decent, and comes from a respectable pedigree. Even though Newland realizes before his marriage to May that he loves Ellen, he feels like he cannot disobey his obligation to marry someone like May. Not only does he fear society's judgment, but Newland also fears forhis family ties. While Julius Beaufort, a renowned banker from old New York, is suspected of having shady dealings in his business affairs, his wife refuses to be recognized as Beaufort because his name has now been dragged through the mud. Newland's superego, rooted in family life, may fear the repercussions of such an unacceptable act, which could include being rejected by his family. When Newland learns that May is pregnant, his second big decision must be made. He decides to abandon his dubious dream of Ellen and Europe to become a father in New York, where he will remain in the safe but stifling society from which he desires to escape. His identity may be suppressed due to the guilt he feels that stems from his superego. Newland's upbringing, based on decorum and responsibility, tells him that he cannot abandon his duties as a husband unless he wants to risk seeing his family ties severed. In fact, his superego is so powerful that he remains married to May until she dies. After May's death, Newland makes it clear that he did not mind fulfilling his marriage duty "as long as it retained the dignity of a duty", meaning that he never transferred his desire for Ellen to May (Wharton 196; ch. 34). . Newland's ability to compartmentalize his desire for Ellen in order to fulfill his familial duty is due to the strength of his superego, which is a reflection of his structured upbringing. To appease both his desires and his obligations in the most socially acceptable way possible, Newland's self grows to take over and push him to make several compromises. The ego is considered the agent of reason – it attempts to balance the id with the superego in deciding the mode of satisfaction, or whether satisfaction should be obtained (Lapsley and Stey 6). Throughout the novel thus far, Newland has made two monumental decisions based on opposing sides of the tripartite psyche. In the final chapter of the novel, Newland makes his third decision. At the age of fifty-seven, Newland has fully matured and is able to make his final decision out of wisdom, as opposed to desire or a sense of duty. He finds himself sitting outside Ellen Olenska's apartment in Paris after a visit to her son, wondering if he should go in and face Ellen. Throughout the years of his marriage, Newland retained his desire for Ellen as a “faint and tenuous” vision (Wharton 196; ch. 34). However, even though he is only inches away from her, Newland cannot bring himself to see Ellen. He believes that the fantasies he has about Ellen are very satisfying, and he doesn't want to jeopardize that satisfaction with the reality of the situation – they might not be right for each other. He decides to return to his hotel and not pursue Ellen. This is the ultimate act of the ego. Balancing his identity and his superego, Newland's ego rationalizes that the memory of Ellen can offer him more satisfaction than an actual confrontation. In deciding not to pursue Ellen, a decision that was influenced by no factors other than his own wisdom, Newland abandons his object petit a and gives her a proper burial (Witherow). Newland is now wise enough to understand that his relationship with Ellen was not created out of love but rather an unconscious desire for change; he even admits to his son that he didn't know if he found Ellen charming, he just thought she was "different" (Wharton 200; ch. 34). Although he was attracted to Ellen because of their differences, he also realizes that he and Ellen are so different that they cannot complement each other well. As a result, his object petit a remained a fantasy that he would never obtain due to the very reason he desired it (Witherow). Keep in mind.