
  • Essay / Arguments Against a Welfare State - 1501

    America is the greatest nation in the world. It's a phrase that has been said many times by many different people, for many different reasons. Whether those reasons relate to the military, global political influence, or even the economy. However, one of the reasons this statement is repeated over and over again is the fact that America is the “land of opportunity,” a place where anyone can come, work hard, and make something of themselves. Regardless of your age, race, religion, gender, or beliefs, in America you have the opportunity to improve your life and the lives of your family. But this capacity, this “American dream”, is under attack. Not only is it under attack, but it is under attack from within, from our own citizens. America's motto seems to be changing from "the land of opportunity," a place where you can find your way to prosperity, to the land of giving, a place where you can relax through life at someone else's expense. At the heart of the problem in America today is that everyone, including the government, makes us believe that you can just wait and things will be given to you. The problem with this idyllic world, often populated by leftists in our society, is reality. If you look at the problem emotionally, you can't help but agree with their flawed logic. Everyone was raised to believe that you should be kind and help your neighbor. If a man falls, help him get up. So in an ideal world with unlimited resources, it would be a perfect society, all equal, all caring the way the Soviet Union was supposed to be, no classes, no poverty and all being equal. There is a problem though, and that is why the Soviet Union collapsed, and that is... middle of paper...... pipes that need it, it is impossible. If the government wants to provide things, it needs money to do it, and where that money comes from is taxes. Therefore, medicine, housing, food and other benefits given to beneficiaries of the welfare system are paid for by the masses who actually work and make something of themselves. Those who receive these benefits do not see or care about the cost it imposes on the rest of society and fall into the trap of letting life come to you on a silver platter at someone's expense. other. Hard work is something considered ancient, a thing of our grandparents and too many are willing to give it up for a life that is not of the highest quality but requires the least amount of effort. efforts. The rise of the welfare state means the end of America as we know it, the end of the "land of opportunity" and the beginning of the land of poverty..