
  • Essay / Does God exist? ; Philosophical positions on God...

    I. INTRODUCTIONWho am I? What am I? Where does the world come from? These questions about existence persist in the mind of an intellect, of a thinker who has the courage to demand an answer that would satisfy his wonder. But how to exist? Who then gives the gift of existence? While the man began to question himself, he just gave proof as a statement of ignorance. This man has the ability to investigate. This article will attempt to discuss the three philosophical positions on the existence of God, namely theism, agnosticism and atheism. Why do they believe? Why don't they believe? How do they believe? What made them believe? Who helped them to believe? These are just some of the questions that this article will attempt to answer and provide believers and non-believers with sufficient indication that whatever their position, the responsibility that lies with them, whatever the reason 'they have, must be valid and intellectual.II. DISCUSSIONThere are three philosophical positions that debate the existence of God, whether he actually exists or not; theism, atheism and agnosticism.A. TheismTheism is the belief in the existence of God. Theists are people who affirm the existence of God. This is divided in two. The first is a priori. These are arguments that take place before the sensory experience. Under the A Priori concept lies the ontological and moral argument. Saint Anselm is one of the known proponents of the ontological argument. He once said: “Believe to understand”. He explains that faith and belief play a vital role in affirming the existence of God. He claims that God is the greatest being imaginable, both in spirit and in reality. The second division of theism is A posteriori. These are arguments that stand in the middle of a paper...... God and how He relates to us – how powerful He is to make everything in this world work; how He made everything almost perfect for us. I also learned that believing that He exists makes me better understand His existence, just like what St. Anselm said. I believe that believing it exists is what makes it exist. For me, yes, God really exists. But having the ability to investigate His existence also gave me more knowledge about people who don't believe. I can understand now that people who don't believe have enough reasons not to. We people have free will, we can make our own choices, believe in God or not. This is why I now understand that it is not a sin if one does not believe in God. This article gave me enough knowledge to understand the importance of knowing the different philosophical positions on the existence of God..